Faculty of Engineering

Master of Complex Systems (2020 and earlier) (2025)

Note: This course version applies only to students first enrolling in 2025.
WARNING: This course version is currently under review and is subject to change.

1. Overview

Course: Master of Complex Systems (2020 and earlier) (2025)
CP Required: 96
Min FT Duration: 2.00 Years
Min PT Duration: 3.00 Years
Faculty/School: Faculty of Engineering
Years Offered: 2025, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

2. Requirements

To qualify for the award of the Master of Complex Systems a candidate must complete 96 credit points, including:

(a) 72 credit points in core units:

• 24 credit points in foundational core units of study: COMP9001, STAT5002, PMGT5886, ENVI5801

• 12 credit points in other core units of study: COMP5048, COMP5313

• A 12 unit capstone experience

• At least 24 credit points in three units which start with CSYS, excluding capstone project unit.

(b) Elective advanced units of study:

• At most 24 credit points from the elective units of study.


Completion of a specialisation is not a requirement of the course. Candidates have the option of completing at most one specialisation. A specialisation requires the completion of 24 credit points chosen from units of study listed for that specialisation. The specialisations available are:

• Engineering

• Biosecurity

• Transport

• Research methods

3. Semesters

Year 1 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from STAT5002: Introduction to Statistics
6 Select from COMP9001: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from CSYS5010: Introduction to Complex Systems
6 Select from ENVI5801: Social Science of Environment

Note: Students who have not yet completed ENVI5801 are advised to enrol in COMP9208 instead.

Year 1 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from PMGT5886: System Dynamics Modelling for PM
6 Select from CSYS5030: Information Theory and Self-Organisation
6 Select from CSYS5040: Criticality in Dynamical Systems
6 Select from Unit Block:

Year 2 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from CSYS5020: Interdependent Civil Systems
6 Select from COMP5313: Large Scale Networks
6 Select from CSYS5050: Complex Systems Capstone Project A
6 Select from Unit Block:

Year 2 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from CSYS5051: Complex Systems Capstone Project B
6 Select from COMP5048: Visual Analytics
12 Select from Unit Block:

4. Pathways

Specialisation- Biosecurity

Type CP CP From
24 Select from CISS6004: Disease and Security
DATA5207: Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
ENVI5809: Environmental Simulation Modelling
ENVI5904: Methods in Applied Ecology
GEOG5001: Geographic Information Science A
GEOG5004: Environmental Mapping and Monitoring
HTIN5003: Health Technology Evaluation
HTIN5004: Integrated Approaches to Chronic Disease
PHYS5031: Ecological Econ & Sustainable Analysis
PHYS5032: Techniques for Sustainability Analysis
PUBH5010: Epidemiology Methods and Uses
PUBH5117: Communicable Disease Control
SUST5004: Populations and Health

Specialisation- Engineering

Type CP CP From
24 Select from CHNG9202: Chemical Engineering Modelling and Analysis
COMP5318: Machine Learning and Data Mining
ELEC5208: Intelligent Electricity Networks
ELEC5509: Mobile Networks
ELEC9103: Simulations & Numerical Solutions in Eng
INFO5060: Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
PMGT5875: Project Innovation Management
PMGT5897: Disaster Project Management
QBUS5001: Quantitative Methods for Business
QBUS6810: Statistical Learning and Data Mining
QBUS6840: Predictive Analytics

Specialisation- Research methods

Type CP CP From
12 Select from Unit Block Electives
12 Select from CSYS5060: Complex Systems Research Project A
CSYS5061: Complex Systems Research Project B

Specialisation- Transport

Type CP CP From
24 Select from COMP5318: Machine Learning and Data Mining
DATA5207: Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
ELEC5208: Intelligent Electricity Networks
ELEC5509: Mobile Networks
INFO5060: Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
ITLS5000: Foundations of Supply Chain Management
ITLS5100: Transport and Infrastructure Foundations
ITLS5200: Quantitative Logistics & Transport
ITLS6002: Supply Chain Planning Systems
ITLS6007: Disaster Relief Operations [not offered in 2021]
ITLS6102: Transport Modelling and Forecasting
ITLS6107: Applied GIS and Spatial Data Analytics
QBUS5001: Quantitative Methods for Business
QBUS6810: Statistical Learning and Data Mining
QBUS6840: Predictive Analytics

5. Unit Blocks

Block 1 - Foundation Core (Min CP: 24,Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP9001 Introduction to Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENVI5801 Social Science of Environment 6 Semester 1
PMGT5886 System Dynamics Modelling for PM 6 Semester 2
Semester 2 Online
STAT5002 Introduction to Statistics 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Block 2 - Other Core (Min CP: 12,Max CP: 12)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP5048 Visual Analytics 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP5313 Large Scale Networks 6 Semester 1

Block 3 - Complex Systems Core (Min CP: 24,Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
CSYS5010 Introduction to Complex Systems 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CSYS5020 Interdependent Civil Systems 6 Semester 1
CSYS5030 Information Theory and Self-Organisation 6 Semester 2
CSYS5040 Criticality in Dynamical Systems 6 Semester 2

Block 4 - Capstone (Min CP: 12,Max CP: 12)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
CSYS5050 Complex Systems Capstone Project A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CSYS5051 Complex Systems Capstone Project B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Note: Candidates for the Master of Complex Systems must complete 48 credit points from Core and Elective units of study before taking Complex Systems Capstone Project Units

Block 5 - Electives (Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
CHNG9202 Chemical Engineering Modelling and Analysis 6 Semester 1
CISS6004 Disease and Security 6 Semester 1
COMP5318 Machine Learning and Data Mining 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CSYS5060 Complex Systems Research Project A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CSYS5061 Complex Systems Research Project B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
DATA5207 Data Analysis in the Social Sciences 6 Semester 1
Int December
ELEC5208 Intelligent Electricity Networks 6 Semester 1
ELEC5509 Mobile Networks 6 Semester 1
ELEC9103 Simulations & Numerical Solutions in Eng 6 Semester 2
ENVI5809 Environmental Simulation Modelling 6 Semester 2a
ENVI5904 Methods in Applied Ecology 6 Semester 2
GEOG5001 Geographic Information Science A 6 Semester 1
GEOG5004 Environmental Mapping and Monitoring 6 Semester 2
HTIN5003 Health Technology Evaluation 6 Semester 2b
Semester 2 Block Mode
HTIN5004 Integrated Approaches to Chronic Disease 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO5060 Data Analytics and Business Intelligence 6 Int July
ITLS5000 Foundations of Supply Chain Management 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ITLS5100 Transport and Infrastructure Foundations 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ITLS5200 Quantitative Logistics & Transport 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ITLS6002 Supply Chain Planning Systems 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ITLS6007 Disaster Relief Operations [not offered in 2021] 6 Int July
ITLS6102 Transport Modelling and Forecasting 6 Semester 2
ITLS6107 Applied GIS and Spatial Data Analytics 6 Semester 2
Summer Main
PHYS5031 Ecological Econ & Sustainable Analysis 6 Semester 1
PHYS5032 Techniques for Sustainability Analysis 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
PMGT5875 Project Innovation Management 6 Semester 2 Online
Semester 2 Block Mode
PMGT5897 Disaster Project Management 6 Semester 2 Online
Int July
PUBH5010 Epidemiology Methods and Uses 6 Semester 1
PUBH5117 Communicable Disease Control 6 Semester 2
QBUS5001 Quantitative Methods for Business 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
QBUS6810 Statistical Learning and Data Mining 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
QBUS6840 Predictive Analytics 6 Semester 1
SUST5004 Populations and Health 6 Semester 2

Note: PUBH5117 is unavailable in 2018. GLOH5112 Global Communicable Disease Control is a recommended alternative and can be added via Special Permission.