Note: This unit is an archived version! See Overview tab for delivered versions.

CHNG5803: Foundations of Chemical and Biological Processes (2014 - Semester 1)

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Unit: CHNG5803: Foundations of Chemical and Biological Processes (6 CP)
Mode: Normal-Day
On Offer: Yes
Level: Postgraduate
Faculty/School: School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Unit Coordinator/s: Dr Kavanagh, John
Session options: Semester 1
Versions for this Unit:
Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
Pre-Requisites: CHNG5701 AND CHNG5702 AND CHNG5704 AND CHNG5705.
Co-Requisites: Assumed CHNG5801 and CHNG5802
Prohibitions: CHNG3803.
Brief Handbook Description: This is a project based unit of study where students will work in small teams through three project-driven case studies covering a range of design scenarios, from the domain of chemical and biological processes. This course runs in parallel with CHNG5801 and CHNG5802, and the projects allow the students to demonstrate their kowledge of process modelling, the design of rate and equilibrium processes, the control of chemical processes and the practical and commercial aspects of design. Projects include designing equipment such as fermenters, reactors, distillation columns and heat exchangers, determining the optimal operating conditions for individual items of equipment, estimating the operating costs of processes, designing small flowsheets and designing simple control systems. By the end of this unit students will be proficient in estimating the feasibility of processes, desigining individual items of equipment and designing small flowsheets.
Assumed Knowledge: CHNG5701 AND CHNG5702 AND CHNG5704 AND CHNG5705. Ability to conduct mass and energy balances, and the integration of these concepts to solve real chemical engineering problems Ability to understand basic principles of physical chemistry, physics and mechanics Ability to use mathematics of calculus (including vector calculus) and linear algebra, and carry out computations with MATLAB and MS EXCEL. Ability to read widely outside of the technical literature, and to synthesise arguments based on such literature Ability to write coherent reports and essays based on qualitative and quantitative information
Lecturer/s: Dr Kavanagh, John
Dr Gomes, Vincent
Timetable: CHNG5803 Timetable
Time Commitment:
# Activity Name Hours per Week Sessions per Week Weeks per Semester
1 Project Work - in class 4.00 2 13
2 Independent Study 4.00 4 13
T&L Activities: Independent Study: Self-directed learning. Research & Inquiry.

Attributes listed here represent the key course goals (see Course Map tab) designated for this unit. The list below describes how these attributes are developed through practice in the unit. See Learning Outcomes and Assessment tabs for details of how these attributes are assessed.

Attribute Development Method Attribute Developed
Ability to apply theory to practice in both “closed” and “open ended” problem situations through critical judgement. Ability to undertake problem identification, formulation and solution. Ability to utilise a systems approach to design and operational performance. Ability to comprehend the broad picture and thus work with an appropriate level of detail. Design (Level 3)
Ability to apply knowledge of basic science and engineering fundamentals in the context of chemical, biological and industrial systems. Maths/Science Methods and Tools (Level 2)
Ability to identify, access and organise knowledge in both written and oral English. Ability to use appropriate technology in furthering all skills. Ability to demonstrate critical and generic thinking skills. Information Seeking (Level 2)
Ability to communicate knowledge in both technical reports and graphically. Communication (Level 2)
Ability to comprehend the broad picture and thus work with an appropriate level of detail.
Appreciation of wider engineering context, including social, economic, ethical and commercial implications of industry practice in the context of sustainability.
Professional Conduct (Level 1)

For explanation of attributes and levels see Engineering & IT Graduate Outcomes Table.

Learning outcomes are the key abilities and knowledge that will be assessed in this unit. They are listed according to the course goal supported by each. See Assessment Tab for details how each outcome is assessed.

Design (Level 3)
1. Applying design and analysis tools for the design, control and optimisation of chemical and biological process.
Engineering/IT Specialisation (Level 3)
2. Understanding the scientific principles underpinning process design.
3. Developing strategies for integrated process design and applying in production of chemical and biological products from a variety of raw materials to specified purity, using a mix of chemical and biological synthesis techniques.
4. Demonstrate the abilitiy to design both process equipment and its associated control systems
Information Seeking (Level 2)
5. Develop ability to undertake inquiry and knowledge development within the context of problem-based learning in a knowledge-intensive professional environment
Communication (Level 2)
6. The team members need to communicate among themselves as well as the supervisors (lecturers and tutors) on a regular basis as in Industry. The final design outcomes must be communicated graphically, in writing and orally. Hence, communication skills are important.
Professional Conduct (Level 1)
7. Understanding the interaction between design and the wider engineering context, including social, economic, ethical and commercial implications of industry practice in the context of sustainability.
Project and Team Skills (Level 1)
8. The industry-scale projects will require a task-force of committed participants (similar to a team of engineers in industry). Hence the professionals-in-training (students) will work in teams to achieve their objectives.
Assessment Methods:
# Name Group Weight Due Week Outcomes
1 Project Yes 15.00 Week 4 1, 2, 3, 6, 8,
2 Project Yes 15.00 Week 8 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8,
3 Project No 20.00 Week 13 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,
4 Final Exam No 50.00 Exam Period 1, 2, 3, 5,
Assessment Description: Project: Project 1

Final Exam: Written Exam

Project: Project 2

Project: Project 3
Grade Type Description
Standards Based Assessment Final grades in this unit are awarded at levels of HD for High Distinction, DI (previously D) for Distinction, CR for Credit, PS (previously P) for Pass and FA (previously F) for Fail as defined by University of Sydney Assessment Policy. Details of the Assessment Policy are available on the Policies website at . Standards for grades in individual assessment tasks and the summative method for obtaining a final mark in the unit will be set out in a marking guide supplied by the unit coordinator.
Policies & Procedures: See the policies page of the faculty website at for information regarding university policies and local provisions and procedures within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies.
Prescribed Text/s: Note: Students are expected to have a personal copy of all books listed.
Recommended Reference/s: Note: References are provided for guidance purposes only. Students are advised to consult these books in the university library. Purchase is not required.
Note on Resources: Project Descriptions, handouts, web resources

Note that the "Weeks" referred to in this Schedule are those of the official university semester calendar

Week Description
Week 1 Project 1: Biological system design & analysis
Week 2 Project 1: Biological system design & analysis
Week 3 Project 1: Biological system design & analysis
Week 4 Project 1: Biological system design & analysis
Assessment Due: Project
Week 5 Project 2: Systems analysis and design of process systems
Week 6 Project 2: Systems analysis and design of process systems
Week 7 Project 2: Systems analysis and design of process systems
Week 8 Project 2: Systems analysis and design of process systems
Assessment Due: Project
Week 9 Project 3: Process and product design and systems analysis
Week 10 Project 3: Process and product design and systems analysis
Week 11 Project 3: Process and product design and systems analysis
Week 12 Project 3: Process and product design and systems analysis
Week 13 Project 3: Process and product design and systems analysis
Assessment Due: Project
Exam Period Assessment Due: Final Exam

Course Relations

The following is a list of courses which have added this Unit to their structure.

Course Year(s) Offered
Master of Professional Engineering (Chemical & Biomolecular) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Course Goals

This unit contributes to the achievement of the following course goals:

Attribute Practiced Assessed
Design (Level 3) Yes 20.86%
Engineering/IT Specialisation (Level 3) No 44.58%
Maths/Science Methods and Tools (Level 2) Yes 0%
Information Seeking (Level 2) Yes 17.86%
Communication (Level 2) Yes 8.36%
Professional Conduct (Level 1) Yes 0%
Project and Team Skills (Level 1) No 8.36%

These goals are selected from Engineering & IT Graduate Outcomes Table which defines overall goals for courses where this unit is primarily offered. See Engineering & IT Graduate Outcomes Table for details of the attributes and levels to be developed in the course as a whole. Percentage figures alongside each course goal provide a rough indication of their relative weighting in assessment for this unit. Note that not all goals are necessarily part of assessment. Some may be more about practice activity. See Learning outcomes for details of what is assessed in relation to each goal and Assessment for details of how the outcome is assessed. See Attributes for details of practice provided for each goal.