Find a unit of study - The University of Sydney
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Find a unit of study

Search for a unit of study to find enrolment information including availability and enrolment rules and access more detailed unit outlines.

Unit outlines help you understand what you will study, how you will learn and the way in which you’ll be assessed in a particular unit of study.

The information can be used to help you plan your unit choices, organise your studies, apply for special consideration, set up academic plans and provide evidence of the topics you have studied.

Each outline will also include the following information:

  • Assessments
    Including the topic, type, title, weighting and due date(s).
  • Weekly schedule
    A weekly breakdown of learning activities and topics.
  • Learning support
    Including information on special consideration, using generative AI, Support for Students Policy and more.
  • Teaching staff
    Contact information for your unit coordinator, lecturers, tutors and faculty contact(s).
  • Unit information
    Including required readings, information about class attendance, and any additional costs or work health and safety information.

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