Faculty of Engineering

School of Computer Science

Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Software Development) (2018)

Note: This course version applies only to students first enrolling in 2018.
WARNING: This course version is currently under review and is subject to change.

1. Overview

Course: Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Software Development) (2018)
CP Required: 192
Min FT Duration: 4.00 Years
Min PT Duration: N/A
Faculty/School: School of Computer Science
Years Offered: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018

2. Requirements

Award requirements

Bachelor of Advanced Computing

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Advanced Computing, a candidate must complete 192 credit points, comprising:

(a) 96 credit points of Bachelor of Advanced Computing core units of study as set out in Table A

(b) a major (48 credit points) from the list of approved IT majors specified in Table A

(c) (Optionally) up to 12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees

(d) (Optionally) a minor of 36 credit points or a second major of 48 credit points as listed and specified in Table S in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees

(e) Where appropriate, elective units from the Bachelor of Advanced Computing Table A or Table S in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees

Bachelor of Computing

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Computing, a candidate must complete 144 credit points, comprising:

(a) 78 credit points of Bachelor of Computing core units of study as set out in Table A

(b) a major (48 credit points) from the list of approved IT majors specified in Table A

(c) (optionally) up to 12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees

(d) (optionally) a minor of 36 credit points as listed and specified in Table S in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees

(e) where appropriate, additional elective units from the Bachelor of Computing / Bachelor of Advanced Computing Table A


The available streams in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing are:

• ‘Alumni Name’

Achievement of the ‘Dalyell’ stream requires:



The available majors in this course are:

• Computer Science

• Computational Data Science

• Information Systems

• Software Development

Requirements for the majors are listed below.


The available minors in this course are:

• Computer Science

• Computational Data Science

• Information Systems

• Software Development

Requirements for the minors are listed below.


Honours in this course is awarded to candidates who fulfil the following requirement:

• Honours Class I: 75

3. Semesters

Year 1 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
3 Select from MATH1021: Calculus of One Variable
6 Select from DATA1001: Foundations of Data Science
3 Select from MATH1002: Linear Algebra
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from INFO1111: Computing 1A Professionalism

Note: MATH1021 and MATH1002 may be replaced by advanced units MATH1921 and MATH1902.

Year 1 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from MATH1064: Discrete Mathematics for Computation
6 Select from INFO1112: Computing 1B OS & Network Platforms
6 Select from ELEC1601: Introduction to Computer Systems
6 Select from INFO1113: Object-Oriented Programming

Year 2 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms
6 Select from INFO2222: Computing 2 Usability and Security

Note: COMP2123 may be replaced by advanced unit COMP2823.

Year 2 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from SOFT2201: Software Construction and Design 1
6 Select from ISYS2120: Data & Information Management
6 Select from SOFT2412: Agile Software Development Practices

Year 3 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from SOFT3202: Software Construction and Design 2
6 Select from INFO3333: Computing 3 Management

Year 3 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from SOFT3410: Concurrency for Software Development
6 Select from SOFT3888: Software Development Project

Year 4 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from Unit Block:
Adv. Electives
6 Select from INFO4001: Thesis A
6 Select from INFO4444: Computing 4 Innovation

Note: Students in the Honours pathway take INFO4911 and INFO4912 in place of INFO4001 and INFO4002, and INFO4990 in place of INFO4444. INFO4913 counts in place of a 4000+ level elective.

Year 4 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from Unit Block:
Table A Electives

Note: You may choose to complete a Table S major or Table S Electives instead.
6 Select from Unit Block:
Adv. Electives
6 Select from INFO4002: Thesis B

Note: Students in the Honours pathway take INFO4911 and INFO4912 in place of INFO4001 and INFO4002, and INFO4990 in place of INFO4444. INFO4913 counts in place of a 4000+ level elective.

4. Pathways

Honours Pathway

Type CP CP From
6 INFO4911: CS Research Thesis A
6 INFO4912: CS Research Thesis B
6 INFO4913: CS Research Thesis C
6 INFO4990: IT Research Methods

Note: Students in the Honours pathway take INFO4911 and INFO4912 in place of INFO4001 and INFO4002, and INFO4990 in place of INFO4444. INFO4913 counts in place of a 4000+ level elective.

Major 2 in Computational Data Science

Type CP CP From
6 Select from DATA2002: Data Analytics: Learning from Data

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 2:Year 2
6 Select from DATA3001: Data Science Capstone Project [not offered in 2020]

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 1:Year 4
6 Select from DATA2001: Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 1:Year 2
12 Select from COMP3027: Algorithm Design
COMP3308: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
DATA3404: Scalable Data Management
DATA3406: Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics

Note: Two units from this block to be taken in Semester 1 and/or Semester 2 of Year 3
6 Select from DATA1001: Foundations of Data Science
6 Select from COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms

Note: COMP2123 may be replaced by advanced unit COMP2823.
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming

Note: Achievement of a minor in Computational Data Science requires 36 credit points from this table including:

(i) 2 1000-level core units DATA1001 and INFO1110.

(ii) 3 2000-level core units COMP2123, DATA2001 and DATA2002.

(iii) 1 3000-level selective unit from INFO3406 and COMP3308.

Major 2 in Computer Science

Type CP CP From
6 Select from COMP2022: Models of Computation

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 2:Year 2
6 Select from COMP3027: Algorithm Design

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 1:Year 3
6 Select from COMP3221: Distributed Systems
COMP3308: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
COMP3419: Graphics and Multimedia
COMP3520: Operating Systems Internals

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 1:Year 4
6 Select from COMP2017: Systems Programming

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 1:Year 2
6 Select from COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms

Note: COMP2123 may be replaced by advanced unit COMP2823.
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from INFO1113: Object-Oriented Programming
6 Select from COMP3888: Computer Science Project

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 2:Year 3

Note: Achievement of a minor in Computer Science requires 36 credit points from this table including:

(i) 2 1000-level core units INFO1110 and INFO1113.

(ii) 3 2000-level core units COMP2123, COMP2017 and COMP2022.

(iii) 1 3000-level selective unit from COMP3221 or COMP3419.

Major 2 in Information Systems

Type CP CP From
6 Select from ISYS2160: Information Systems in the Internet Age

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 2:Year 2
6 Select from ISYS3402: Decision Analytics & Support Systems [not running in 2019]

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 2:Year 3
6 Select from ISYS3401: Information Technology Evaluation

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 1:Year 3
6 Select from ISYS2110: Analysis & Design of Web Information Systems

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 1:Year 2
6 Select from INFO1113: Object-Oriented Programming
6 Select from ISYS2120: Data & Information Management
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from ISYS3888: Information Systems Project

Note: Alternate for : Table A Electives:Semester 2:Year 4

Note: Achievement of a minor in Information Systems requires 36 credit points from this table including:

(i) 2 1000-level core units INFO1110 and INFO1113.

(ii) 3 2000-level core units ISYS2120, ISYS2110 and ISYS2160.

(iii) 1 3000-level selective unit from ISYS3402 or ISYS3401.

5. Unit Blocks

Block 1 - Core (Min CP: 96,Max CP: 96)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2123 Data Structures & Algorithms 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
DATA1001 Foundations of Data Science 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ELEC1601 Introduction to Computer Systems 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO1110 Introduction to Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO1111 Computing 1A Professionalism 6 Semester 1
INFO1112 Computing 1B OS & Network Platforms 6 Semester 2
INFO1113 Object-Oriented Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO2222 Computing 2 Usability and Security 6 Semester 1
INFO3333 Computing 3 Management 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4001 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4002 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4444 Computing 4 Innovation 6 Semester 1
ISYS2120 Data & Information Management 6 Semester 2
MATH1002 Linear Algebra 3 Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Main
MATH1021 Calculus of One Variable 3 Semester 1
Semester 2
MATH1064 Discrete Mathematics for Computation 6 Semester 2
SOFT2412 Agile Software Development Practices 6 Semester 2

Block 2 - Adv. Electives

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP5045 Computational Geometry 6 Semester 1
COMP5046 Natural Language Processing 6 Semester 1
COMP5047 Pervasive Computing 6 Semester 2
COMP5048 Visual Analytics 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP5216 Mobile Computing 6 Semester 2
COMP5313 Large Scale Networks 6 Semester 1
COMP5318 Machine Learning and Data Mining 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP5328 Advanced Machine Learning 6 Semester 2
COMP5329 Deep Learning 6 Semester 1
COMP5338 Advanced Data Models 6 Semester 2
COMP5347 Web Application Development 6 Semester 1
COMP5348 Enterprise Scale Software Architecture 6 Semester 2
COMP5349 Cloud Computing 6 Semester 1
COMP5415 Multimedia Design and Authoring 6 Semester 2
COMP5416 Advanced Network Technologies 6 Semester 2
COMP5424 Information Technology in Biomedicine 6 Semester 1
COMP5425 Multimedia Retrieval 6 Semester 1
COMP5426 Parallel and Distributed Computing 6 Semester 1
COMP5427 Usability Engineering 6 Semester 1
DATA5207 Data Analysis in the Social Sciences 6 Semester 1
Int December
ELEC5306 Video Intelligence and Compression 6 Semester 1
ELEC5307 Advanced Signal Processing with Deep Learning 6 Semester 2
ELEC5508 Wireless Engineering 6 Semester 2
ELEC5509 Mobile Networks 6 Semester 1
ELEC5514 IoT Wireless Sensing and Networking 6 Semester 2
ELEC5616 Computer and Network Security 6 Semester 1
ELEC5618 Software Quality Engineering 6 Semester 1
ELEC5619 Object Oriented Application Frameworks 6 Semester 2
ELEC5620 Model Based Software Engineering 6 Semester 2
INFO4003 Thesis B (extension) 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO5010 IT Advanced Topic A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO5011 IT Advanced Topic B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO5991 Services Science Management and Engineering 6 Semester 2
INFO5992 Understanding IT Innovations 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO5993 IT Research Methods 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO6010 Advanced Topics in IT Project Management 6 Semester 2
ISYS5050 Knowledge Management Systems 6 Semester 1

Block 3 - Table A Electives

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2017 Systems Programming 6 Semester 1
COMP2022 Models of Computation 6 Semester 2
COMP2922 Models of Computation (Adv) 6 Semester 2
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3221 Distributed Systems 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3419 Graphics and Multimedia 6 Semester 2
COMP3520 Operating Systems Internals 6 Semester 2
COMP3608 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3888 Computer Science Project 6 Semester 2
COMP3927 Algorithm Design (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3988 Computer Science Project (Advanced) 6 Semester 2
DATA2001 Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity 6 Semester 1
DATA2002 Data Analytics: Learning from Data 6 Semester 2
DATA2901 Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
DATA3001 Data Science Capstone Project [not offered in 2020] 6 Semester 1
DATA3404 Scalable Data Management 6 Semester 1
DATA3406 Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics 6 Semester 2
INFO2150 Introduction to Health Data Science 6 Semester 2
INFO3315 Human-Computer Interaction 6 Semester 2
INFO3616 Principles of Security and Security Engineering 6 Semester 2
ISYS2110 Analysis & Design of Web Information Systems 6 Semester 1
ISYS2160 Information Systems in the Internet Age 6 Semester 2
ISYS3401 Information Technology Evaluation 6 Semester 1
ISYS3402 Decision Analytics & Support Systems [not running in 2019] 6 Semester 2
ISYS3888 Information Systems Project 6 Semester 2
SOFT2201 Software Construction and Design 1 6 Semester 2
SOFT3202 Software Construction and Design 2 6 Semester 1
SOFT3410 Concurrency for Software Development 6 Semester 2
SOFT3888 Software Development Project 6 Semester 2

Block 4 - Required for Computer Science Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2017 Systems Programming 6 Semester 1
COMP2022 Models of Computation 6 Semester 2
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3221 Distributed Systems 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3419 Graphics and Multimedia 6 Semester 2
COMP3520 Operating Systems Internals 6 Semester 2
COMP3888 Computer Science Project 6 Semester 2

Note: COMP2823, COMP2922, COMP3608 and COMP3988 may be taken as advanced alternatives to COMP2123, COMP2022, COMP3308 and COMP3888 respectively.

Block 5 - Required for Information Systems Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ISYS2110 Analysis & Design of Web Information Systems 6 Semester 1
ISYS2120 Data & Information Management 6 Semester 2
ISYS2160 Information Systems in the Internet Age 6 Semester 2
ISYS3401 Information Technology Evaluation 6 Semester 1
ISYS3402 Decision Analytics & Support Systems [not running in 2019] 6 Semester 2
ISYS3888 Information Systems Project 6 Semester 2

Block 6 - Required for Software Development Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
SOFT2201 Software Construction and Design 1 6 Semester 2
SOFT2412 Agile Software Development Practices 6 Semester 2
SOFT3202 Software Construction and Design 2 6 Semester 1
SOFT3410 Concurrency for Software Development 6 Semester 2
SOFT3888 Software Development Project 6 Semester 2

Block 7 - Required for Computational Data Science Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
DATA2001 Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity 6 Semester 1
DATA2002 Data Analytics: Learning from Data 6 Semester 2
DATA2901 Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
DATA3001 Data Science Capstone Project [not offered in 2020] 6 Semester 1
DATA3404 Scalable Data Management 6 Semester 1
DATA3406 Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics 6 Semester 2

Note: COMP3927 and COMP3608 may be taken as advanced alternatives to COMP3027 and COMP3308 respectively

Block 8 - Required for Honours

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
INFO4911 CS Research Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4912 CS Research Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4913 CS Research Thesis C 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4990 IT Research Methods 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Note: Students in the Honours pathway take INFO4911 and INFO4912 in place of INFO4001 and INFO4002, and INFO4990 in place of INFO4444. INFO4913 counts in place of a 4000+ level elective.