ProgramsU_ArchvBE2014 CombBE/BCom 2014Civil Engineering / Commerce (2011)

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Select plan for Major/Pathway

Year 1 - Semester 1

TypeCPCP From
6ACCT1005: Accounting, Business & Society
6ENGG1800: Introduction to Engineering A
3MATH1001: Differential Calculus
3MATH1002: Linear Algebra
6PHYS1001: Physics 1 (Regular)

Year 1 - Semester 2

TypeCPCP From
6ECON1001: Introductory Microeconomics
6ENGG1802: Engineering Mechanics
6ENGG1803: Professional Engineering 1
3MATH1003: Integral Calculus and Modelling
3MATH1005: Statistical Thinking with Data

Year 2 - Semester 1

TypeCPCP From
6ECOF1003: Understanding Business

Note:  This unit is discontinued from 2012. Replacement unit is BUSS1001 Understanding Business.
6ENGG1801: Engineering Computing
6CIVL2201: Structural Mechanics
6MATH2061: Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus

Year 2 - Semester 2

TypeCPCP From
6ECOF1004: The Business Environment

Note:  This unit is discontinued from 2012. Replacement unit is BUSS1002 The Business Environment
6GEOL1501: Engineering Geology 1
6CIVL2230: Introduction to Structural Concepts and Design
6Select from
Junior Commerce Electives
Senior Commerce Electives

Year 3 - Semester 1

TypeCPCP From
6CIVL2110: Materials
6CIVL2810: Engineering Construction and Surveying [no longer running]
12Select from
Junior Commerce Electives
Senior Commerce Electives

Year 3 - Semester 2

TypeCPCP From
6CIVL2410: Soil Mechanics 1
6CIVL2611: Introductory Fluid Mechanics
12Select from
Senior Commerce Electives

Year 4 - Semester 1

TypeCPCP From
6CIVL3010: Sustainable Systems Engineering
6CIVL3205: Concrete Structures 1
6CIVL3612: Fluid Mechanics
6CIVL3812: Project Appraisal

Year 4 - Semester 2

TypeCPCP From
6CIVL3206: Steel Structures 1
18Select from
Senior Commerce Electives

Year 5 - Semester 1

TypeCPCP From
6CIVL4024: Engineering Project A

Note:  Students with ISWAM of 65% or greater are eligible for Honours pathway and can replace CIVL4024 with CIVL4022. School permission is required.
6CIVL4811: Engineering Design and Construction
0ENGG4000: Practical Experience

Note:  ENGG4000 is the industry experience component of the engineering degree. While enrolment is in first semester of final year, the timing of the experience is flexible. Use of summer break is recommended
12Select from
Senior Commerce Electives

Year 5 - Semester 2

TypeCPCP From
6ECOF3001: Business Strategy

Note:  ECOF3001 is senior capstone unit for the Commerce component of the degree. Students are expected to have completed the majority of their other commerce units before undertaking this unit.
6CIVL4025: Engineering Project B

Note:  Students with ISWAM of 65% or greater are eligible for Honours pathway and can replace CIVL4025 with CIVL4023.
6CIVL4903: Civil Engineering Design
6Senior Commerce Electives

Requirements for this Pathway

TypeCPCP From
6CIVL4022: Thesis A
6CIVL4023: Thesis B

Students with ISWAM of 65% or greater are eligible for Honours pathway and can replace Engineering Project units CIVL4024 and COVL4025 with Honours Thesis units CIVL4022 and CIVL4023.
Course: Civil Engineering / Commerce (2011)
CP Required: 240
Min FT Duration: 5.00 Years
Min PT Duration: N/A
Faculty/School: University Archive
Years Offered: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
Requirements: To be awarded the Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce combined degree, students must complete units of study with a total value of 240 credit points, comprising units of study required for the Bachelor of Engineering’s specialisation and a minimum of 96 credit points in units of study from the Faculty of Economics and Business. The 96 credit points from the Faculty of Economics and Business must include:

• core Bachelor of Commerce units as set out in the Faculty of Economics and Business handbook.

• a major selected from the `Bachelor of Commerce subject areas for majors and electives`

• a minimum of 48 credit points in senior (2000 and 3000 level) units of study)

Changes from 2010

The 2011 Bachelor of Commerce has been substantaily revised with a number of changes affecting the BE/BCom combined degree. Important changes include reduced number of core Commerce units, replacement of previous core units and termination of "Extended Majors" option.

Transition provisions for students enrolled prior to 2011.

These requirements apply to students who commenced their candidature in 2011. Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.

Alternative Maths and Physics units

The Mathematics and Physics core units of study may be replaced by equivalent advanced level units of study (if available) subject to prerequisite conditions being met.

Civil Engineering Specialisations

Specialisations in Construction Engineering and Management, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering or Geotechnical Engineering require additional Civil Engineering units outside those required for the combined Civil Engineering/Commerce degree. Details of the units involved can be found in the sequence tables for the Civil Engineering single degrees on this site, or in the current Faculty of Engineering handbook.

Engineering Final Year

Students in the Engineering Honours program must enrol in CIVL4022 & CIVL4023, students in the Pass Program must enrol in CIVL4023 & CIVL4024.

Faculty Resolutions

Details of relevant Faculty resolutions are available via the university handbook site at:
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