Faculty of Engineering

Master of Professional Engineering (Biomedical) (2020)

Note: This course version applies only to students first enrolling in 2020.
WARNING: This course version is currently under review and is subject to change.

1. Overview

Course: Master of Professional Engineering (Biomedical) (2020)
CP Required: 144
Min FT Duration: 3.00 Years
Min PT Duration: N/A
Faculty/School: Faculty of Engineering
Years Offered: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

2. Requirements

To qualify for the award of the Master of Professional Engineering in this specialisation, a candidate must complete 144 credit points, including core and elective units of study as listed here.

Admission to candidature

Admission to candidature requires: EITHER (a) a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Sydney, OR (b) equivalent qualification, with a minimum credit average; OR (c) a non-engineering bachelor's degree with a minimum credit average, with studies equivalent to 48 credit points in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, computing or statistics, as related to the intended engineering specialisation.

All candidates for admission must have prior learning equivalent to 48 credit points in total, which, in the estimation of the Dean, is comparable to the requirements for the first year of a Bachelor of Engineering at this University in the stream sought for admission.

Credit for previous study

Candidates with a Bachelor of Engineering or equivalent in the relevant discipline, and who have reached an acceptable level of academic achievement in their prior degree, may be eligible for a reduction of volume in learning of up to 48 credit points.

A maximum of 72 credit points may be granted towards the Master of Professional Engineering from external postgraduate studies where no award has been, or will be made, provided the studies are acceptable to the Program Director Dean and are equivalent to units of study offered in the Master of Professional Engineering.

Candidates transferring from the Master of Engineering to the Master of Professional Engineering may transfer up to 24 credit points provided units are equivalent to units of study offered in the Master of Professional Engineering. Any additional credit is subject to the approval by the Dean.


Candidates are required to meet the progression requirements as specified in the University's Coursework Rule.

Transitional provisions

These rules apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January 2015 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January 2015 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.

Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January 2015 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.

Changes from 2015

Students continuing from 2014 and earlier should note changes of code and name for previous "Foundations" units. The unit code on these units has changed from "5xxx" format to "9xxx" and the prefix "Foundations of" has been dropped. The name and content of these units, otherwise remains as previous. Level 5xxx "Foundations" units that have already been completed will be credited towards the degree in place of the equivalent 9xxx unit.

Course resolutions

This course is administered under course resolutions published in the Faculty Handbook at http://sydney.edu.au/handbooks/

3. Semesters

Year 1 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 AMME9261: Fluid Mechanics 1
6 AMME9500: Engineering Dynamics
6 AMME9700: Instrumentation
6 ENGG9801: Engineering Computing

Note: Year One covers Foundation units only. Candidates with a prior Bachelor of Engineering degree or equivalent in the field related to this specialisation may be exempted from Foundation units.

Year 1 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 AMME9262: Introduction to Thermal Engineering
6 AMME9301: Mechanics of Solids 1
6 AMME9302: Introduction to Engineering Materials
6 BMET9901: Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers

Note: Year 1 covers foundation units only. Students with a prior Bachelor of Engineering degree or equivalent in the field related to this specialisation are exempt from these foundation units.

Year 2 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 AMME9501: System Dynamics and Control
6 BMET9990: Biomedical Product Development
6 MECH9261: Fluid Mechanics 2
6 MECH9362: Engineering Materials for Adv Manufacturing

Year 2 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 ENGG5103: Safety Systems and Risk Analysis
6 BMET9921: Biomedical Engineering Technology
6 MECH9361: Mechanics of Solids 2
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Electives

Year 3 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 BMET5020: Capstone Project A

Note: Students achieving an average mark of 75% or higher over 48 credit points of units of study in the Year Two Table or equivalent are eligible for the Research pathway and may replace BMET020 and 6cp of electives with BMET5222 Dissertation A.
0 ENGG5217: Practical Experience
6 BMET9971: Tissue Engineering
6 BMET9981: Applied Biomedical Engineering
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Electives

Note: Candidates undertaking the Major Industrial Project take BMET5010 in place of ENGG5217 Practical Experience, BMET5020/5021 Capstone Project A & B and 12 credit points of Specialist Elective units of study.

Year 3 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 BMET5021: Capstone Project B

Note: Students achieving an average mark of 75% or higher over 48 credit points of units of study in the Year Two Table or equivalent are eligible for the Research pathway and may replace BMET5021 and 6cp of electives with BMET5223 Dissertation B.
6 BMET9961: Biomaterials
12 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Electives

Note: Candidates undertaking the Major Industrial Project take BMET5010 in place of ENGG5217 Practical Experience, BMET5020/5021 Capstone Project A & B and 12 credit points of Specialist Elective units of study.

4. Pathways

Extended Capstone Project

Type CP CP From
12 BMET5022: Capstone Project B Extended

Note: Students achieving an average mark of 70% or higher over 48 credit points of units of study in the previous year are eligible for the Extended Capstone Project. BMET5022 replaces BMET5021 and a 6cp elective unit.

Note: Students take Capstone Project units BMET5020 and BMET5022 (total 18 cp) in place of Capstone Project BMET5020/5021 and 6 cp of elective units.

MIPP Pathway (Major Industrial Project Placement)

Type CP CP From
24 BMET5010: Major Industrial Project

Note: Candidates undertaking the Major Industrial Project take BMET5010 in place of ENGG5217 Practical Experience, BMET5020/5021 Capstone Project A & B and 12 credit points of Specialist Elective units of study.

Research Pathway

Type CP CP From
12 BMET5222: Dissertation A

Note: Students achieving an average mark of 75% or higher over 48 credit points of units of study in the Year Two Table or equivalent are eligible for the Research Pathway. BMET5222 replaces BMET5020 and a 6cp elective unit.
12 BMET5223: Dissertation B

Note: Students achieving an average mark of 75% or higher over 48 credit points of units of study in the Year Two Table or equivalent are eligible for the Research Pathway. BMET5223 replaces BMET5021 and a 6cp elective unit.

Note: Research pathway students take Dissertation units BMET5222 and BMET5223 (total 24 cp) in place of Capstone Project units and 12 cp of elective units.

Student Industrial Placement Scheme Pathway

Type CP CP From
24 BMET5010: Major Industrial Project

Note: Candidates undertaking the Major Industrial Project take BMET5010 in place of ENGG5217 Practical Experience, BMET5020/5021 Capstone Project A & B and 12 credit points of Specialist Elective units of study.

5. Unit Blocks

Block 1 - Biomedical Electives (Min CP: 24,Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO9301 Applied Finite Element Analysis 6 Semester 1
AMME5202 Computational Fluid Dynamics 6 Semester 1
AMME5271 Computational Nanotechnology 6 Semester 2
AMME5310 Engineering Tribology 6 Semester 1
AMME5520 Advanced Control and Optimisation 6 Semester 1
AMME5790 Introduction to Biomechatronics 6 Semester 2
AMME5902 Computer Aided Manufacturing 6 Semester 2
AMME5912 Crash Analysis and Design 6 Semester 1
BMET5790 Introduction to Biomechatronics 6 Semester 2
BMET5907 Orthopaedic and Surgical Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET5911 Advanced instrumentation for Nanotechnology 6 Semester 1
BMET5931 Nanomaterials in Medicine 6 Semester 1
BMET5933 Biomedical Image Analysis 6 Semester 1
BMET5944 Bioinspired Materials: Design and Fabrication 6 Semester 2
BMET5953 Rehabilitation Engineering 6 Semester 1
BMET5957 Neural Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET5958 Nanoscale Biomedical Diagnostics 6 Semester 1
BMET5959 Introduction to Biophotonics 6 Semester 1
BMET5962 Introduction to Mechanobiology 6 Semester 2
BMET5992 Regulatory Affairs in the Medical Industry 6 Semester 2
BMET5995 Advanced Bionics 6 Semester 1
BMET9400 Biomechanical Design 6 Semester 1
BMET9660 Biomanufacturing 6 Semester 1
BMET9802 Biomedical Instrumentation 6 Semester 2
BMET9903 Biomedical Physics 6 Semester 1
BMET9922 Computational Analysis for Biomedical Signals 6 Semester 2
BMET9925 AI, Data, and Society in Health 6 Semester 1
BMET9960 Biomedical Engineering Mathematical Modelling 6 Semester 1
CHNG5602 Biophysics and Biosensors 6 Semester 2
ENGG5011 Engineering Foundation Studies A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
Int July
ENGG5202 Sustainable Design, Engineering & Management 6 Semester 1
ENGG5203 Quality Engineering and Management 6 Semester 2
MECH5255 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 6 Semester 2
MECH5275 Renewable Energy 6 Semester 2
MECH5304 Materials Failure 6 Semester 2
MECH5310 Advanced Engineering Materials 6 Semester 1
MECH5311 Microscopy and Microanalysis of Materials 6 Semester 1
MECH5416 Design of Micro- and Nanosystems 6 Semester 1
MECH5720 Sensors and Signals 6 Semester 2
MTRX5700 Experimental Robotics 6 Semester 1

Note: Candidates for Biomedical Specialisation must complete 24 credit points from among these units. Altenate units can be approved subject to permission of the Head of School.

Block 2 - Exchange Units (Max CP: 12)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ENGG5231 Engineering Graduate Exchange A 6 Int January
Int July
ENGG5232 Engineering Graduate Exchange B 6 Int January
Int July

Note: Summer/Winter Exchange units require the approval of the Program Director. With approval, up to 12 credit points of Exchange units may taken in place of other units, towards the requirements of the degree.