Note: This course version is currently under review and is subject to change.

ProgramsSCSCS(UG)BAC/CombinedBAC/BComAdvanced Computing / Commerce (2025)

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Select plan for Major/Pathway

Year 0 - Planning your degree

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block

Note:   Important information

Along with this page, students should use the resources in the School of Computer Science Canvas page

This includes academic advising details and a link to FAQ’s specific to the Bachelor of Advanced Computing.

Bachelor of Advanced Computing major | Important information when you plan your degree

Details of the Bachelor of Advanced computing major can be found in the Pathways/Majors tab. You can also select the desired option from the dropdown menu above and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the relevant units of study.

Note that some units may count toward multiple components of your degree (e.g., degree core and a major), but will only contribute once to your total credit point requirements. Where a unit counts towards more than one component of your degree you may choose units from Table A or Table S Elective to fulfil your total credit point requirements.

Additionally, units from the BAdvComp and Commerce majors can be reallocated between semesters if the chosen major does not offer any units during a specific semester.

Year 1 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6INFO1111: Computing 1A Professionalism
6BUSS1000: Future of Business

Note:  You must complete BUSS1000 in your first semester of enrolment.
6BUSS1020: Quantitative Business Analysis

Year 1 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6INFO1112: Computing 1B OS & Network Platforms
6INFO1113: Object-Oriented Programming
6ELEC1601: Introduction to Computer Systems
6BUSS1030: Accounting, Business and Society

Year 2 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms
6MATH1061: Mathematics 1A
6BAdvComp Major Units
6Table A Electives

Note:   MATH1061 may be replaced by advanced unit MATH1961. COMP2123 may be replaced by advanced unit COMP2823.

Year 2 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6MATH1064: Discrete Mathematics for Computation
6SOFT2412: Agile Software Development Practices
6Commerce Major units
6BUSS2000: Leading and Influencing in Business

Note:   Bachelor of Advanced Computing - Software development (major) students are advised to enrol in SOFT2201 during this semester, instead of the Commerce major unit.

Year 3 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6INFO2222: Computing 2 Usability and Security
6BAdvComp Major Units
6Commerce Major units
6Commerce Major units

Year 3 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6ISYS2120: Data & Information Management
6BAdvComp Major Units
6Commerce Major units
6Commerce Major units

Year 4 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6INFO3333: Computing 3 Management
6BAdvComp Major Units
6Commerce Major units
6Commerce Major units

Note:  For the Bachelor of Commerce component, students are required to complete 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O.

Note:   Bachelor of Advanced Computing - Software development (major) students are advised to enrol in Commerce Major units, instead of the BAdvComp major and select their major unit in Semester 2 of Year 4.

Year 4 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6Commerce Major units
6BAdvComp Major Units
12Select from
Table A Electives

Year 5 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6INFO4444: Computing 4 Innovation
12Select from
Advanced (Higher) Electives

Note:  As from 2025, Bachelor of Advanced Computing students will have the option to undertake the 12cp thesis or to complete an additional 12cp of 4000+ level elective units instead. INFO4001 Thesis A and INFO4002 Thesis B are part of the 4000+ elective units.
6Table A Electives

Note:  Students may select units to complete from Table A Commerce or Table S Electives instead.

Year 5 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
12Select from
Advanced (Higher) Electives

Note:  As from 2025, Bachelor of Advanced Computing students will have the option to undertake the 12cp thesis or to complete an additional 12cp of 4000+ level elective units instead. INFO4001 Thesis A and INFO4002 Thesis B are part of the 4000+ elective units.
12Select from
Table A Electives

Note:  Students may select units to complete from Table A Commerce or Table S Electives instead.

Requirements for this Pathway

TypeCPCP From
6Select from
COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms
6Select from
DATA1001: Foundations of Data Science
6Select from
INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6Select from
DATA2001: Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity
6Select from
DATA2002: Data Analytics: Learning from Data
6Select from
DATA3888: Data Science Capstone
12Select from
COMP3027: Algorithm Design
COMP3308: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
COMP3530: Discrete Optimization
COMP3608: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
COMP3927: Algorithm Design (Adv)
DATA3404: Scalable Data Management
DATA3406: Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics

Note:Two units from this block to be taken in Semester 1 and/or Semester 2 of Year 3

Achievement of a major in Computational Data Science requires 48 credit points from this table including:

(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units

(ii) 18 credit points of 2000-level core units

(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units

(iv) 12 credit points of 3000-level selective units. The 3000selective units are: COMP3027,COMP3927,COMP3308,COMP3530,COMP3608,DATA3404,DATA3406

Units that are core for both the Bachelor of Advanced Computing and the Computational Data Science major contribute towards both requirements, however, they count only once towards your credit points. You will need to take an additional elective to make up the credit point requirements of your degree.

Computational Data Science major

Type CP CP From
6 Select from COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms
6 Select from DATA1001: Foundations of Data Science
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from DATA2001: Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity
6 Select from DATA2002: Data Analytics: Learning from Data
6 Select from DATA3888: Data Science Capstone
12 Select from COMP3027: Algorithm Design
COMP3308: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
COMP3530: Discrete Optimization
COMP3608: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
COMP3927: Algorithm Design (Adv)
DATA3404: Scalable Data Management
DATA3406: Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics

Note: Two units from this block to be taken in Semester 1 and/or Semester 2 of Year 3
View complete Program Structure

Note: Achievement of a major in Computational Data Science requires 48 credit points from this table including:

(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units

(ii) 18 credit points of 2000-level core units

(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units

(iv) 12 credit points of 3000-level selective units. The 3000selective units are: COMP3027,COMP3927,COMP3308,COMP3530,COMP3608,DATA3404,DATA3406

Units that are core for both the Bachelor of Advanced Computing and the Computational Data Science major contribute towards both requirements, however, they count only once towards your credit points. You will need to take an additional elective to make up the credit point requirements of your degree.

Computer Science major

Type CP CP From
6 Select from COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms

Note: COMP2123 may be replaced by advanced unit COMP2823.
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from INFO1113: Object-Oriented Programming
12 Select from COMP2017: Systems Programming
COMP2022: Models of Computation
12 Select from COMP3027: Algorithm Design
COMP3888: Computer Science Project
6 Select from COMP3109: Programming Languages and Paradigms
COMP3221: Distributed Systems
COMP3308: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
COMP3419: Graphics and Multimedia
COMP3520: Operating Systems Internals
COMP3608: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)

Note: One unit from this block to be taken in Semester 1 or Semester 2 of Year 3
View complete Program Structure

Note: Achievement of a major in Computer Science requires 48 credit points from:

(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units

(ii) 18 credit points of 2000-level core units

(iii) 12 credit points of 3000-level core units

(iv) 6 credit points of 3000-level (major only) selective units. The Selective units (major only) are COMP3109,COMP3221,COMP3308,COMP3419,COMP3520 and COMP3608.

Units that are core for both the Bachelor of Advanced Computing and the Computer Science major contribute towards both requirements, however, they count only once towards your credit points. You will need to take an additional elective to make up the credit point requirements of your degree.

Cybersecurity major

Type CP CP From
6 Select from ISYS2120: Data & Information Management
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from INFO1113: Object-Oriented Programming
6 Select from CSEC3888: Cybersecurity Project
6 Select from COMP2017: Systems Programming
6 Select from COMP3221: Distributed Systems
6 Select from ELEC3506: Communications Networks
6 Select from CSEC3616: Cybersecurity Engineering
View complete Program Structure

Note: Achievement of a major in Cybersecurity requires 48 credit points from this table including:

(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units

(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level core units

(iii) 24 credit points of 3000-level core units

Units that are core for both the Bachelor of Advanced Computing and the Cybersecurity major contribute towards both requirements, however, they count only once towards your credit points. You will need to take an additional elective to make up the credit point requirements of your degree.

Honours Pathway

Type CP CP From
6 INFO4911: CS Research Thesis A
6 INFO4912: CS Research Thesis B
6 INFO4913: CS Research Thesis C
6 INFO4990: IT Research Methods
View complete Program Structure

Note: Entry into the Honours pathway is via application. Admission to the program requires a WAM of at least 65 and completion of at least one Table A major.

To be eligible for the award of Honours in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing, a candidate must complete the Honours pathway comprising 24 credit points of research-related units and meet the performance levels as specified in clause 10 of the degree resolutions.

More information can be found here:

Students in the Honours pathway take INFO4911, INFO4912 and INFO4913 in place of 18cp of 4000+ level electives, and INFO4990 in place of INFO4444.

Software Development major

Type CP CP From
6 Select from INFO1113: Object-Oriented Programming
6 Select from SOFT2412: Agile Software Development Practices
6 Select from COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms

Note: COMP2123 may be replaced by advanced unit COMP2823.
6 Select from INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 Select from SOFT3202: Software Construction and Design 2
6 Select from SOFT2201: Software Construction and Design 1
6 Select from SOFT3888: Software Development Project
6 Select from INFO3315: Human-Computer Interaction
View complete Program Structure

Note: Achievement of a minor in Software Development requires 36 credit points from this table including:

(i) 2 1000-level core units INFO1103 and INFO1113.

(ii) 3 2000-level core units COMP2123, SOFT2412 and SOFT2201.

(iii) 1 3000-level selective unit from INFO3315 and SOFT3202.

Block 1 - Core (Min CP: 84,Max CP: 84)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2123 Data Structures & Algorithms 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP2823 Data Structures & Algorithms (Adv) 6 Semester 1
DATA1001 Foundations of Data Science 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
DATA1901 Foundations of Data Science (Adv) 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ELEC1601 Introduction to Computer Systems 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO1110 Introduction to Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO1111 Computing 1A Professionalism 6 Semester 1
INFO1112 Computing 1B OS & Network Platforms 6 Semester 2
INFO1113 Object-Oriented Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO1910 Introduction to Programming (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO2222 Computing 2 Usability and Security 6 Semester 1
INFO3333 Computing 3 Management 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4444 Computing 4 Innovation 6 Semester 1
ISYS2120 Data & Information Management 6 Semester 2
MATH1061 Mathematics 1A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
MATH1064 Discrete Mathematics for Computation 6 Semester 2
MATH1961 Mathematics 1A (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
MATH1964 Discrete Mathematics (Advanced) 6 Semester 2
SOFT2412 Agile Software Development Practices 6 Semester 2

Note: Units that are core for both the Bachelor of Advanced Computing and any major contribute towards both requirements, however, they count only once towards your credit points. You will need to take an additional elective to make up the credit point requirements of your degree.

Students in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Commerce are exempt from completing the IT core unit DATA1001 as it is prohibited against BUSS1020, which is a compulsory unit for the Bachelor of Commerce.

Block 2 - Advanced (Higher) Electives (Min CP: 24,Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP4216 Mobile Computing 6 Semester 2
COMP4270 Randomised and Advanced Algorithms 6 Semester 1
COMP4313 Large Scale Networks 6 Semester 1
COMP4318 Machine Learning and Data Mining 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP4328 Advanced Machine Learning 6 Semester 2
COMP4329 Deep Learning 6 Semester 1
COMP4338 Advanced Data Models 6 Semester 2
COMP4347 Web Application Development 6 Semester 1
COMP4348 Enterprise Scale Software Architecture 6 Semester 2
COMP4349 Cloud Computing 6 Semester 1
COMP4405 Digital Media Computing 6 Semester 1
COMP4415 Multimedia Design and Authoring 6 Semester 2
COMP4416 Advanced Network Technologies 6 Semester 2
COMP4424 Information Technology in Biomedicine 6 Semester 1
COMP4425 Multimedia Retrieval 6 Semester 1
COMP4426 Parallel and Distributed Computing 6 Semester 1
COMP4427 Usability Engineering 6 Semester 1
COMP4445 Computational Geometry 6 Semester 1
COMP4446 Natural Language Processing 6 Semester 1
COMP4447 Pervasive Computing 6 Semester 2
COMP4448 Visual Analytics 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP4530 Discrete Optimisation 6 Semester 2
COMP4617 Empirical Security Analysis and Engineering 6 Semester 2
COMP4618 Applied Cybersecurity 6 Semester 2
DATA4207 Data Analysis in the Social Sciences 6 Semester 1
ELEC5306 Video Intelligence and Compression 6 Semester 1
ELEC5307 Advanced Signal Processing with Deep Learning 6 Semester 2
ELEC5508 Wireless Engineering 6 Semester 2
ELEC5509 Mobile Networks 6 Semester 1
ELEC5514 IoT Wireless Sensing and Networking 6 Semester 2
ELEC5616 Computer and Network Security 6 Semester 1
ELEC5618 Software Quality Engineering 6 Semester 1
ELEC5619 Object Oriented Application Frameworks 6 Semester 2
ELEC5620 Model Based Software Engineering 6 Semester 2
HTIN4003 Health Technology Evaluation 6 Semester 2
HTIN4005 Applied Healthcare Data Science 6 Semester 2
HTIN4006 Foundations of Healthcare Data Science 6 Semester 1
INFO4001 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4002 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4406 Enterprise Healthcare Information Systems 6 Semester 2
INFO4491 Services Science Management and Engineering 6 Semester 2
ISYS4450 Knowledge Management Systems 6 Semester 1
ISYS5070 Change Management in IT 6 Int January
Int July

Note: Students should complete 24cp of 4000-level or higher Advanced (Higher) Electives.

Block 3 - Table A Electives

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2017 Systems Programming 6 Semester 1
COMP2022 Models of Computation 6 Semester 2
COMP2922 Models of Computation (Adv) 6 Semester 2
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3221 Distributed Systems 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3419 Graphics and Multimedia 6 Semester 2
COMP3520 Operating Systems Internals 6 Semester 2
COMP3608 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3888 Computer Science Project 6 Semester 2
COMP3927 Algorithm Design (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3988 Computer Science Project (Advanced) 6 Semester 2
DATA2001 Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity 6 Semester 1
DATA2002 Data Analytics: Learning from Data 6 Semester 2
DATA2901 Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
DATA3404 Scalable Data Management 6 Semester 1
DATA3406 Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics 6 Semester 2
DATA3888 Data Science Capstone 6 Semester 1
INFO1911 IT Special Project 1A 6 Semester 1
INFO1912 IT Special Project 1B 6 Semester 2
INFO2150 Introduction to Health Data Science 6 Semester 2
INFO2911 IT Special Project 2A 6 Semester 1
INFO2912 IT Special Project 2B 6 Semester 2
INFO3315 Human-Computer Interaction 6 Semester 2
INFO3616 Principles of Security and Security Engineering 6 Semester 2
INFO3911 IT Special Project 3A 6 Semester 1
INFO3912 IT Special Project 3B 6 Semester 2
INFO4911 CS Research Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4912 CS Research Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4913 CS Research Thesis C 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4990 IT Research Methods 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ISYS2110 Analysis & Design of Web Information Systems 6 Semester 1
ISYS2160 Information Systems in the Internet Age 6 Semester 2
ISYS3401 Information Technology Evaluation 6 Semester 1
ISYS3402 Decision Analytics & Support Systems [not running in 2019] 6 Semester 2
ISYS3888 Information Systems Project 6 Semester 2
SOFT2201 Software Construction and Design 1 6 Semester 2
SOFT3202 Software Construction and Design 2 6 Semester 1
SOFT3410 Concurrency for Software Development 6 Semester 2
SOFT3888 Software Development Project 6 Semester 2

Block 4 - Required for Computer Science Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2017 Systems Programming 6 Semester 1
COMP2022 Models of Computation 6 Semester 2
COMP2123 Data Structures & Algorithms 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP2823 Data Structures & Algorithms (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP2922 Models of Computation (Adv) 6 Semester 2
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3109 Programming Languages and Paradigms 6 Semester 2
COMP3221 Distributed Systems 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3419 Graphics and Multimedia 6 Semester 2
COMP3520 Operating Systems Internals 6 Semester 2
COMP3608 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3888 Computer Science Project 6 Semester 2
COMP3927 Algorithm Design (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3988 Computer Science Project (Advanced) 6 Semester 2

Note: COMP2823, COMP2922, COMP3608 and COMP3988 may be taken as advanced alternatives to COMP2123, COMP2022, COMP3308 and COMP3888 respectively.

Block 5 - Required for Cybersecurity Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2017 Systems Programming 6 Semester 1
COMP3221 Distributed Systems 6 Semester 1
CSEC3616 Cybersecurity Engineering 6 Semester 2
CSEC3888 Cybersecurity Project 6 Semester 2
ELEC3506 Communications Networks 6 Semester 2
ISYS2120 Data & Information Management 6 Semester 2

Block 6 - Required for Software Development Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2123 Data Structures & Algorithms 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP2823 Data Structures & Algorithms (Adv) 6 Semester 1
INFO3315 Human-Computer Interaction 6 Semester 2
SOFT2201 Software Construction and Design 1 6 Semester 2
SOFT2412 Agile Software Development Practices 6 Semester 2
SOFT3202 Software Construction and Design 2 6 Semester 1
SOFT3888 Software Development Project 6 Semester 2

Block 7 - Required for Computational Data Science Major

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2123 Data Structures & Algorithms 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP2823 Data Structures & Algorithms (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3530 Discrete Optimization 6 Semester 2
COMP3608 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3927 Algorithm Design (Adv) 6 Semester 1
DATA2001 Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity 6 Semester 1
DATA2002 Data Analytics: Learning from Data 6 Semester 2
DATA2901 Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
DATA2902 Data Analytics: Learning from Data (Adv) 6 Semester 2
DATA3404 Scalable Data Management 6 Semester 1
DATA3406 Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics 6 Semester 2
DATA3888 Data Science Capstone 6 Semester 1

Note: COMP3927 and COMP3608 may be taken as advanced alternatives to COMP3027 and COMP3308 respectively

Block 8 - Honours Pathway core units (Min CP: 24,Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
INFO4911 CS Research Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4912 CS Research Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4913 CS Research Thesis C 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO4990 IT Research Methods 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Note: Students in the Honours pathway take INFO4911 and INFO4912 in place of INFO4001 and INFO4002, and INFO4990 in place of INFO4444. INFO4913 counts in place of a 4000+ level elective.

Block 9 - Commerce Core (Min CP: 24,Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
BUSS1000 Future of Business 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
BUSS1020 Quantitative Business Analysis 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
BUSS1030 Accounting, Business and Society 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
BUSS2000 Leading and Influencing in Business 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Note: You must complete BUSS1000 in your first semester of enrolment.

Block 10 - Commerce Major units (Min CP: 48,Max CP: 72)

Note: For the Bachelor of Commerce component, students are required to complete 24 credit points of core units, a 48cp major from Table A for the Bachelor of Commerce and 6 credit points of OLEs. See Faculty handbooks at

Block 11 - BAdvComp Major Units (Min CP: 48,Max CP: 48)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP2017 Systems Programming 6 Semester 1
COMP2022 Models of Computation 6 Semester 2
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3221 Distributed Systems 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3419 Graphics and Multimedia 6 Semester 2
COMP3520 Operating Systems Internals 6 Semester 2
COMP3888 Computer Science Project 6 Semester 2
COMP3988 Computer Science Project (Advanced) 6 Semester 2
DATA2001 Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity 6 Semester 1
DATA2002 Data Analytics: Learning from Data 6 Semester 2
DATA2901 Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
DATA3404 Scalable Data Management 6 Semester 1
DATA3406 Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics 6 Semester 2
DATA3888 Data Science Capstone 6 Semester 1
ISYS2110 Analysis & Design of Web Information Systems 6 Semester 1
ISYS2120 Data & Information Management 6 Semester 2
ISYS2160 Information Systems in the Internet Age 6 Semester 2
ISYS3401 Information Technology Evaluation 6 Semester 1
ISYS3402 Decision Analytics & Support Systems [not running in 2019] 6 Semester 2
ISYS3888 Information Systems Project 6 Semester 2
SOFT2201 Software Construction and Design 1 6 Semester 2
SOFT2412 Agile Software Development Practices 6 Semester 2
SOFT3202 Software Construction and Design 2 6 Semester 1
SOFT3410 Concurrency for Software Development 6 Semester 2
SOFT3888 Software Development Project 6 Semester 2
Course: Advanced Computing / Commerce (2025)
CP Required: 240
Min FT Duration: 5.00 Years
Min PT Duration: N/A
Faculty/School: School of Computer Science
Years Offered: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Requirements: Award requirements

Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Commerce

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Advanced Computing / Bachelor of Commerce a candidate must complete 240 credit points comprising:

(a) 84 credit points of core units as specified in Table A for the Bachelor of Computing/Bachelor of Advanced Computing;

(b) A major (48 credit points) from Table A for the Bachelor of Computing/Bachelor of Advanced Computing;

(c) At least 24cp of 4000-level or higher IT electives from Table A

(d) 24 credit points of core units of study as set out in Table A for the Bachelor of Commerce;

(e) A Commerce Major (48 credit points) from Table A for the Bachelor of Commerce;

(f) For students not enrolled in the Dalyell stream, a minimum of 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as specified in Table O;

(g) For students enrolled in the Dalyell stream:

(i) a minimum of 12 credit points of Dalyell units of study as specified in Table D.

(h) Students previously but no longer enrolled in the Dalyell stream who have completed at least 6 credit points of Dalyell units of study are not required to complete any units of study in the Open Learning Environment.

(i) Where appropriate, additional elective units as required from Table A for the Bachelor of Computing; Bachelor of Advanced Computing, Table A for the Bachelor of Commerce, Table S, Table O or, for students enrolled in the Dalyell stream, Table D.


The available streams in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing are:

• Dalyell

Achievement of the Dalyell stream requires:

(i) Completion of 12 credit points of Dalyell units as set out in Table D

(ii) Admission on the basis of ATAR or first year WAM as determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies

(iii) Maintenance of the required WAM as determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies


(a) Completion of a major (the Information Technology Major) from Table A for the Bachelor of Computing/Bachelor of Advanced Computing is a requirement for the Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Commerce.

Available majors are:

• Computational Data Science

• Computer Science

• Cybersecurity

• Software Development

(b) Completion of a major (the Commerce Major) from Table A for the Bachelor of Commerce is a requirement. The majors available and requirements for completing the major are as specified in Table A for the Bachelor of Commerce.


The available minors in this course are:

• Computer Science

• Computational Data Science

• Cybersecurity

• Software Development


Entry into the Honours pathway is via application. Admission to the program requires a WAM of at least 65 and completion of at least one Table A major.

To be eligible for the award of Honours in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing, students must complete the Honours pathway comprising 24 credit points of research-related units.
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