Note: This course version is currently under review and is subject to change.

ProgramsEngENGI (UG)BEHonsS2 EntryCivil Engineering (mid-year) (2016)

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Select plan for Major/Pathway

Year 1 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
3MATH1005: Statistical Thinking with Data
6GEOL1501: Engineering Geology 1
6ENGG1111: Integrated Engineering 1
6ENGG1802: Engineering Mechanics

Note:  From 2018, this unit is not available to Civil stream students. Replacement unit is CIVL1802.
3MATH1003: Integral Calculus and Modelling

Note:  Note: This unit is discontinued from 2018. Replacement unit is MATH1023.

Note:   ENGG1111 may be replaced by ENGG1061 Advanced Engineering for approved students. MATH1003 and MATH1005 may be replaced by advanced units MATH1903 and MATH1905.

Year 2 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6CIVL2201: Structural Mechanics
3MATH1002: Linear Algebra
6ENGG1801: Engineering Computing
6CIVL1900: Introduction to Civil Engineering
3MATH1001: Differential Calculus

Note:  Note: This unit is discontinued from 2018. Replacement unit is MATH1021.

Note:   MATH1001 and MATH1002 may be replaced by advanced units MATH1901 and MATH1902.

Year 2 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
2ENGG2111: Integrated Engineering 2
6CIVL1810: Engineering Construction and Surveying
6CIVL2611: Introductory Fluid Mechanics
6CIVL2410: Soil Mechanics 1
6CIVL2010: Environmental Engineering

Note:   ENGG2111 may be replaced by ENGG2062 Engineering Project: Business Plan 2 Adv, with Faculty approval.

Year 3 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6Civil Specialist - Breadth
6MATH2061: Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus
6CIVL2700: Transport Systems
6CIVL2110: Materials

Note:   The degree requires a minimum of 18 cp to be selected from the Breadth Unit Block.

Year 3 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6Civil Specialist - Breadth
6CIVL2812: Project Appraisal
6CIVL3811: Engineering Design and Construction
6CIVL3206: Steel Structures 1

Note:   The degree requires a minimum of 18 cp to be selected from the Breadth Unit Block.

Year 4 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
2ENGG3111: Integrated Engineering 3
6Civil Specialist - Breadth
6CIVL3205: Concrete Structures 1
6CIVL3612: Fluid Mechanics
6CIVL4022: Thesis A

Note:   ENGG3111 may be replaced by ENGG3062 Technology Education (Adv), with Faculty approval.

The degree requires a minimum of 18 cp to be selected from the Breadth Unit Block.

Year 4 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6Civil Specialist - Depth
6Civil Specialist - Depth
6Civil Specialist - Breadth
6CIVL4023: Thesis B

Note:   The degree requires a minimum of 18 cp to be selected from the Breadth Unit Block.

The degree requires a minimum of 18 credit points to be selected from the Depth Unit Block.

A maximum of 12 credit points of general electives may be taken during the entire degree.

Year 5 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
2ENGG4111: Integrated Engineering 4
6Civil Specialist - Depth
6Civil Specialist - Depth
0ENGG4000: Practical Experience
6CIVL4903: Civil Engineering Design

Note:   The degree requires a minimum of 18 credit points to be selected from the Depth Unit Block.

A maximum of 12 credit points of general electives may be taken during the entire degree.

ENGG4111 may be replaced by ENGG4064/5 Advanced Engineering Design A/B, with Faculty approval.

Additional Requirements for Major

TypeCPCP From
6CIVL3805: Project Scope, Time and Cost Management
12Select from
CIVL4810: Mgmnt of People, Quality and Risk in PE
CIVL4813: Contracts Formulation and Management
CIVL4814: Project Procurement and Tendering
CIVL4815: Project Formulation

An additional 6 Credit points must be taken from:

A maximum of 6cp from any other CIVL3###, CIVL4### or CIVL5### unit from the Civil Core Table or the Civil Specialist Table(s)
Course: Civil Engineering (mid-year) (2016)
CP Required: 192
Min FT Duration: 4.00 Years
Min PT Duration: 4.00 Years
Faculty/School: School of Civil Engineering
Years Offered: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
Requirements: In summary the requirements are:

Students must complete 192 credit points as follows:

     ► 36 credit points of Engineering core units

     ► 108 credit points of Civil core units

     ► A minimum of 18 credit points of Civil breadth (3rd year) electives

     ► A minimum of 18 credit points of Civil depth (4th year) electives

     ► A maximum of 12 credit points of General (Free) Electives

The completion of a major is not necessary. If a student chooses to do a major, aligned majors can be completed within the 192 credit points described above.

The handbook rules governing this degree are as follows:

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree, a candidate must

(a) successfully complete 192 credit points, comprising: (i) A minimum of 36cp from the Engineering Core Table, including all required units; (ii) A minimum of 108cp from the Civil Stream Core Table, including all required units; (iii) A minimum of 48cp of additional units from the Civil Stream Specialist Table(s), including satisfying any additional requirements specified for the Specialist Table(s); and;

(b) have an EWAM of at least 65 immediately prior to the semester in which a thesis unit of study is first attempted; and

(c) have an EIHWAM of at least 65 at the completion of the degree; and

(d) complete the requirements within a time limit of 5 years for a single Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree or complete the requirements within a time limit of 6 years for a combined Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined degree.

Candidates who satisfy Clause (a) above, but who have not satisfied all each of Clauses (b), (c) and (d), will qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering degree (i.e. the pass degree, awarded without Honours).

Advanced units in Maths and Science

Most units of study offered by the Science Faculty on the list of core requirements can be replaced by an equivalent advanced level unit; subject to prerequisite conditions (as required by the Faculty of Science) being met. Students considering doing advanced options should seek advice from their department before enrolling.

Study Abroad

Students undertaking Study Abroad in a particular year of their degree must enrol in the appropriate International Exchange Program units of study as an alternative to a semester`s standard units.

Permission from the relevant Head of School must be sought prior to enrolling in exchange units of study.


A major requires:

(a) the completion of 24 credit points chosen from units of study listed in the table for that major;

(b) satisfying any additional requirements specified for the major, and listed with the table of units for the major;

(c) the completion of a thesis project that has been approved by the Head of School (or delegate) as relevant to the topic of the major.

Faculty Resolutions

Details of relevant Faculty resolutions are available via the university handbook site at:
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