Note: This unit version is currently being edited and is subject to change!

MECH4601: Professional Engineering 2 (2019 - Semester 1)

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Unit: MECH4601: Professional Engineering 2 (6 CP)
Mode: Normal-Day
On Offer: Yes
Level: Senior Advanced
Faculty/School: School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
Unit Coordinator/s: Prof Kent, John
Mr Butler, Rhett
Session options: Semester 1
Versions for this Unit:
Site(s) for this Unit:
Campus: Camperdown/Darlington
Pre-Requisites: None.
Prohibitions: AMME4010.
Brief Handbook Description: This unit of study aims to create an awareness of issues surrounding the management of projects; impart knowledge resulting in a more global approach to the practice of engineering and engineering management; and provide a vehicle for improving communication skills (both written and oral). The course also aims, when taken together with other courses offered by the School, to substantially meet the requirement of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, for training in management theory and Professional Engineering skills. On completion of this unit students should be able to: plan small projects and contribute effectively to planning of larger projects; work effectively in small teams; understand their role and expected conduct in the management of engineering projects; perform well in that role from the outset, with performance limited only by experience; prepare an interesting and relevant presentation on aspects of their work for their peers or senior managers; recognise the range of expertise they may need to call on in their role as an engineer working on a project (e.g. in project management, safety and environmental fields); understand what the experts are saying, and be able to contribute effectively to that discussion.
Assumed Knowledge: ENGG4000. It is recommended that you have undertaken ENGG4000 Practical Experience in a period prior to undertaking this course, or be able to demonstrate equivalent understanding of professional practice as some assessment tasks will draw upon your experiences in professional engineering practice.
Lecturer/s: Mr Butler, Rhett
Tutor/s: To be advised on course outline distributed in lecture 1.
Timetable: MECH4601 Timetable
Time Commitment:
# Activity Name Hours per Week Sessions per Week Weeks per Semester
1 Lecture 2.00 1 13
2 Tutorial 2.00 1 12
3 Independent Study 4.00 13
T&L Activities: Tutorial: Computer based tutorials in weeks 2&3 using MS Project. Group tutorials focused on peer based learning.

Intensive group based project to strengthen team work, project management, written communication and engineering research skills.

Presentation: Held during tutorial sessions, short talk given to small peer group.

Technical writing: Engineering research report, major project.

Attributes listed here represent the key course goals (see Course Map tab) designated for this unit. The list below describes how these attributes are developed through practice in the unit. See Learning Outcomes and Assessment tabs for details of how these attributes are assessed.

Attribute Development Method Attribute Developed
Oral presentation to peers, individual technical engineering research report, major group project. (6) Communication and Inquiry/ Research (Level 3)
Working is small teams to analyse an engineering case study, develop and plan solutions. Skills in use of project planning software and risk analysis. (7) Project and Team Skills (Level 3)
Developing a more global approach to practice of engineering and engineering management, including awareness of ethics, workplace safety, sustainable design and environmental implications of engineering operations. (8) Professional Effectiveness and Ethical Conduct (Level 3)

For explanation of attributes and levels see Engineering & IT Graduate Outcomes Table 2018.

Learning outcomes are the key abilities and knowledge that will be assessed in this unit. They are listed according to the course goal supported by each. See Assessment Tab for details how each outcome is assessed.

(8) Professional Effectiveness and Ethical Conduct (Level 3)
1. Awareness of ethical and other issues which can arise in the workplace
2. Understanding of what is required in the conduct and management of an engineering project
3. Ability to recognise the range of expertise you may need to call on in your role as an engineer working on a project (e.g. in the safety and environmental fields).
(7) Project and Team Skills (Level 3)
4. Ability to work effectively in a small team to produce a technical report.
5. Ability to plan small projects, and contribute effectively to planning of larger projects.
(6) Communication and Inquiry/ Research (Level 3)
6. Ability to prepare an interesting presentation on aspects of your work for your peers or senior managers.
7. Ability to write a concise, technical engineering report.
Assessment Methods:
# Name Group Weight Due Week Outcomes
1 Technical Presentation* (Weeks 4,5,6,7,8) No 10.00 Multiple Weeks 6,
2 Technical Report* No 20.00 Week 9 2, 5, 7,
3 Quiz - During student`s timetabled tutorial* No 20.00 Week 12 1, 2, 3,
4 Major Group Project Yes 50.00 Week 13 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,
Assessment Description: * Indicates an assessment task which must be repeated if a student misses it due to special consideration.

Presentation/Seminar: Each student is required to give an individual presentation and attend all other student presentation tutorial sessions to give feedback to peers. All presentation slides must be uploaded to Canvas by 10pm Monday of week 4. Presentations are marked on the effort put into preparation as well as the quality of the actual presentation.

Tutorials: Strong emphasis on teamwork, students are required to attend every week as scheduled in UoS outline.

Quiz: Multiple choice/short answer CLOSED BOOK quiz on lecture and/or tutorial material from the unit of study.

Major Project: Group project focused on use of team work & communication skills to research a problem and propose a feasible solution.
Assessment Feedback: Feedback will aim to be generated and returned within 10 working days of the task due date.
Grade Type Description
Standards Based Assessment Final grades in this unit are awarded at levels of HD for High Distinction, DI (previously D) for Distinction, CR for Credit, PS (previously P) for Pass and FA (previously F) for Fail as defined by University of Sydney Assessment Policy. Details of the Assessment Policy are available on the Policies website at . Standards for grades in individual assessment tasks and the summative method for obtaining a final mark in the unit will be set out in a marking guide supplied by the unit coordinator.
Policies & Procedures: See the policies page of the faculty website at for information regarding university policies and local provisions and procedures within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies.
Online Course Content: Via student "MyUni" elearning site.

Note that the "Weeks" referred to in this Schedule are those of the official university semester calendar

Week Description
Week 1 Course introduction
CV and job application writing (Careers Centre)
Week 2 Introduction to Major Projects

Technical Report Writing

Key Professional Engineering Skills
Week 3 Oral Communication Skills

Industry guest lecturer : during tutorial session
Week 4 Principles of Project Management.

Student Assessment 1 for oral presentation - all tutorial weeks 4 through 8.

Mandatory attendance required at tutorials for peer assessments
Week 5 Ethics and socially responsible engineering
Week 6 Work health and Safety (WHS), risk assessments
Week 7 Total quality management/maintenance
Week 8 Industrial relations
Guest - Professionals Australia
Week 9 Management skills, teamwork, leadership, conflict resolution
Assessment Due: Technical Report*
Week 10 Sustainability concepts & environmental considerations
Week 11 Quantitative Risk Analysis

Engineering Project Economics

Feasibility and Project Cost Assessment
Week 12 Industry guest lecturer
Assessment Due: Quiz - During student`s timetabled tutorial*
Week 13 Course revision/summary
Assessment Due: Major Group Project

Course Relations

The following is a list of courses which have added this Unit to their structure.

Course Year(s) Offered
Mechanical Engineering 2015
Mechanical / Arts 2015
Mechanical / Commerce 2015
Mechanical / Medical Science 2015
Mechanical / Project Management 2015
Mechanical / Science 2015
Mechanical (Space) 2015
Mechanical (Space) / Arts 2015
Mechanical (Space) / Commerce 2015
Mechanical (Space) / Medical Science 2015
Mechanical (Space) / Project Management 2015
Mechanical (Space) / Science 2015
Mechanical (Space) / Law 2015
Mechatronic Engineering 2015
Mechatronic / Arts 2015
Mechatronic / Commerce 2015
Mechatronic / Project Management 2015
Mechatronic / Science 2015
Mechatronic / Law 2015
Mechatronic (Space) 2015
Mechatronic (Space) / Science 2015
Mechanical Engineering / Arts 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering / Commerce 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical) / Arts 2011, 2012
Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical) / Commerce 2010, 2011, 2012
Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical) / Medical Science 2010, 2011, 2012
Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical) / Project Management 2012
Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical) / Science 2011, 2012
Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical) / Law 2010, 2011, 2012
Mechanical Engineering / Medical Science 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering / Project Management 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering / Science 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering / Law 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering (Space) / Arts 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering (Space) / Commerce 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering (Space) / Medical Science 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering (Space) / Project Management 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechanical Engineering (Space) / Science 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechatronic Engineering / Arts 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechatronic Engineering / Commerce 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechatronic Engineering / Medical Science 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechatronic Engineering / Project Management 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechatronic Engineering / Science 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechatronic Engineering (Space) / Arts 2011, 2012, 2013
Mechatronic Engineering (Space) / Commerce 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Mechatronic Engineering (Space) / Medical Science 2011, 2012, 2013
Mechatronic Engineering (Space) / Project Management 2012, 2013
Mechatronic Engineering (Space) / Science 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mechatronic Engineering (Space) / Law 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Mechanical / Law 2015

Course Goals

This unit contributes to the achievement of the following course goals:

Attribute Practiced Assessed
(8) Professional Effectiveness and Ethical Conduct (Level 3) Yes 43%
(7) Project and Team Skills (Level 3) Yes 23%
(6) Communication and Inquiry/ Research (Level 3) Yes 34%

These goals are selected from Engineering & IT Graduate Outcomes Table 2018 which defines overall goals for courses where this unit is primarily offered. See Engineering & IT Graduate Outcomes Table 2018 for details of the attributes and levels to be developed in the course as a whole. Percentage figures alongside each course goal provide a rough indication of their relative weighting in assessment for this unit. Note that not all goals are necessarily part of assessment. Some may be more about practice activity. See Learning outcomes for details of what is assessed in relation to each goal and Assessment for details of how the outcome is assessed. See Attributes for details of practice provided for each goal.