Note: This course version is currently under review and is subject to change.

ProgramsEngENGI (UG)BEHonsS1 EntryAeronautical Engineering (2024)

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Select plan for Major/Pathway

Year 0 - Planning your degree

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block

Note:   Specialisations in the Aeronautical Stream

  • stream specialisation is a subset of stream electives relevant to a particular aspect of Aeronautical Engineering, such as Aerospace Systems.
  • breadth specialisation broadens your knowledge outside the field of Aeronautical Engineering, in areas such as Humanitarian Engineering or Innovation and Entrepreneurship. If you opt to take a breadth specialisation, it takes the place of your free electives.

You have 3 specialisation combinations to choose from in the Aeronautical Stream:
  • 1 stream specialisation [18cp] + 1 free elective [6cp] or
  • 1 breadth specialisation [24cp] (no free electives) or
  • Stream electives or free electives [24cp] (no specialisation option)

Year 1 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
0ENGP1001: Professional Engagement Program 1A

Note:  All students must enrol in ENGP1001 in their first semester of enrolment.
6AERO1560: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
6Select from
ENGG1810: Introduction to Engineering Computing
or other units.
6AMME1705: Introduction to Electromechanical Systems
6MATH1061: Mathematics 1A

Note:   MATH1061 may be replaced by advanced unit MATH1961.

Year 1 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6AERO1400: Intro to Aircraft Construction and Design
6AMME1362: Introduction to Engineering Materials
6MATH1062: Mathematics 1B
6AMME1802: Engineering Mechanics
0ENGP1002: Professional Engagement Program 1B

Note:   MATH1062 may be replaced by advanced unit MATH1962.

Year 2 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6AMME2500: Engineering Dynamics
0ENGP1003: Professional Engagement Program 1C
6AMME2000: Engineering Analysis
6AERO2710: Analysis of Aerospace Engineering Data
6ENGG2112: Multi-disciplinary Engineering

Year 2 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6AERO2703: Aircraft Performance and Operations
6AMME2301: Mechanics of Solids
6AMME2200: Introductory Thermofluids
0ENGP2001: Professional Engagement Program 2A
6AERO2460: Aerospace Design 1

Year 3 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6AMME3500: System Dynamics and Control
6AERO3261: Propulsion
6AERO3360: Aerospace Structures 1
0ENGP2002: Professional Engagement Program 2B
6ENGG3112: Interdisciplinary Engineering

Year 3 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6AERO3260: Aerodynamics 1
6AERO3560: Flight Mechanics 1
6Select from
AERO3465: Aerospace Design 2
or other units.
0ENGP2003: Professional Engagement Program 2C
6Select from
Aeronautical Stream Elective Units
Aeronautical Engineering Project Units
AMMExxxx Specialist Elective Units
Free Electives

Year 4 - Semester 1

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6AERO4460: Aerospace Design 3
6AMME4111: Thesis A
0ENGP3001: Professional Engagement Program 3A
6Select from
Aeronautical Stream Core Extension
Aeronautical Stream Elective Units
Aeronautical Engineering Project Units
AMMExxxx Specialist Elective Units
Free Electives
6Select from
AERO5260: Aerodynamics 2
AERO5360: Aerospace Structures 2

Note:  At least two units must be completed from AERO5360 (Semester 1) or AERO5560 (Semester 2) or AERO5260 (Semester 1).

Units may not also count towards specialisation requirements.

AERO4260, AERO4360 and AERO4560 have been recoded in 2025. Students who have not yet completed their Aeronautical Stream Core Extension requirements should enrol in the 5000-level unit/s.

Year 4 - Semester 2

SITS Diet Block/TypeCPUnit of Study/Unit Block
6AMME4112: Thesis B
0ENGP3002: Professional Engagement Program 3B
6Select from
Aeronautical Stream Elective Units
Aeronautical Engineering Project Units
AMMExxxx Specialist Elective Units
Free Electives
6Select from
Aeronautical Stream Elective Units
Aeronautical Engineering Project Units
AMMExxxx Specialist Elective Units
Free Electives
6Select from
AERO5560: Flight Mechanics 2
or other units.

Note:  At least two units must be completed from AERO5360 (Semester 1) or AERO5560 (Semester 2) or AERO5260 (Semester 1).

Units may not also count towards specialisation requirements.

AERO4260, AERO4360 and AERO4560 have been recoded in 2025. Students who have not yet completed their Aeronautical Stream Core Extension requirements should enrol in the 5000-level unit/s.

Requirements for this Pathway

TypeCPCP From
18Select from
DATA2001: Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity
DATA2002: Data Analytics: Learning from Data
DATA2901: Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced)
DATA2902: Data Analytics: Learning from Data (Adv)
STAT2011: Probability and Estimation Theory
STAT2911: Probability and Statistical Models (Adv)
6Select from
COMP3308: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
COMP3608: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
DATA3404: Scalable Data Management
DATA3406: Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics

1. Stream Specialisation in Aerospace Systems

Type CP CP From
12 Select from AERO5200: Advanced Aerodynamics
AERO5206: Rotary Wing Aircraft
AERO5400: Advanced Aircraft Design Analysis
AERO5500: Flight Test and Evaluation
AERO5750: Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems
6 Select from AERO5260: Aerodynamics 2
AERO5360: Aerospace Structures 2
AERO5560: Flight Mechanics 2
View complete Program Structure

Note: Please check the prerequisites for the higher-level units (3000+ level) in this specialisation when planning your degree. Ensure you will be able to complete the prerequisites prior to undertaking these higher-level units.

AERO5260, AERO5360 or AERO5560 may be taken within the specialisation in addition to the units taken as Core Extension. They may not count toward both requirements.

AERO4260, AERO4360 and AERO4560 have been recoded in 2025 to AERO5260, AERO5360 and AERO5560.

2. Stream Specialisation in Aerospace Research

Type CP CP From
18 Select from AERO2711: Aerospace Engineering Project 1
AERO3711: Aerospace Engineering Project 2
AERO4711: Aerospace Engineering Project 3
AERO5700: Space Engineering (Advanced)
View complete Program Structure

Note: Please check the prerequisites for the higher-level units (3000+ level) in this specialisation when planning your degree. Ensure you will be able to complete the prerequisites prior to undertaking these higher-level units.

3. Breadth Specialisation in Computer Systems

4. Breadth Specialisation in Engineering Data Science

5. Breadth Specialisation in Humanitarian Engineering

6. Breadth Specialisation in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Block 0 - Introductory Computing Units (Min CP: 6,Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ENGG1810 Introduction to Engineering Computing 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
INFO1110 Introduction to Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO1910 Introduction to Programming (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Note: Students must complete:

-6cp from ENGG1810 or (INFO1110 or INFO1910). For Aeronautical stream students it is recommended that ENGG1810 is taken.

Block 1 - Foundation Mathematics Units (Min CP: 12,Max CP: 12)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
MATH1061 Mathematics 1A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
MATH1062 Mathematics 1B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
MATH1961 Mathematics 1A (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
MATH1962 Mathematics 1B (Advanced) 6 Semester 2

Block 2 - Projects Table (Min CP: 30,Max CP: 30)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO1560 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 6 Semester 1
AMME4111 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
AMME4112 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
BMET1960 Biomedical Engineering 1A 6 Semester 1
CHNG1108 Introduction to Chemical Engineering 6 Semester 1
CIVL1900 Introduction to Civil Engineering 6 Semester 1
ELEC1004 Practical Introduction to Electrical Engineering 6 Semester 1
ELEC1005 Introduction to Software Engineering 6 Semester 1
ENGG1800 Introduction to Engineering A 6 Semester 1
ENGG2112 Multi-disciplinary Engineering 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGG3112 Interdisciplinary Engineering 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
MECH1560 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 6 Semester 1
MTRX1701 Introduction to Mechatronic Engineering 6 Semester 1

Note: - Students are to select the introduction unit relevant to their stream.

- Students are to select the thesis units relevant to their stream. Aeronautical, Mechanical and Mechatronic students are to enrol in the AMME coded units. Students in both Electrical and Software are to enrol in the ELEC coded units.

Block 3 - Professional Engagement Program (PEP) Units

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ENGP1001 Professional Engagement Program 1A 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP1002 Professional Engagement Program 1B 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP1003 Professional Engagement Program 1C 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP2001 Professional Engagement Program 2A 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP2002 Professional Engagement Program 2B 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP2003 Professional Engagement Program 2C 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP3001 Professional Engagement Program 3A 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP3002 Professional Engagement Program 3B 0 Semester 1
Semester 2

Note: -Candidates for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours must complete the Professional Engagement Program units of study.

- Candidates must enrol in ENGP1001 in their first semester of study

Block 4 - Aeronautical Stream Core (Min CP: 108,Max CP: 108)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO1400 Intro to Aircraft Construction and Design 6 Semester 2
AERO2460 Aerospace Design 1 6 Semester 2
AERO2703 Aircraft Performance and Operations 6 Semester 2
AERO2710 Analysis of Aerospace Engineering Data 6 Semester 1
AERO3260 Aerodynamics 1 6 Semester 2
AERO3261 Propulsion 6 Semester 1
AERO3360 Aerospace Structures 1 6 Semester 1
AERO3465 Aerospace Design 2 6 Semester 2
AERO3560 Flight Mechanics 1 6 Semester 2
AERO4460 Aerospace Design 3 6 Semester 1
AMME1362 Introduction to Engineering Materials 6 Semester 2
AMME1705 Introduction to Electromechanical Systems 6 Semester 1
AMME1802 Engineering Mechanics 6 Semester 2
AMME2000 Engineering Analysis 6 Semester 1
AMME2200 Introductory Thermofluids 6 Semester 2
AMME2301 Mechanics of Solids 6 Semester 2
AMME2500 Engineering Dynamics 6 Semester 1
AMME3500 System Dynamics and Control 6 Semester 1

Block 5 - Aeronautical Stream Core Extension (Min CP: 12,Max CP: 18)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO5260 Aerodynamics 2 6 Semester 1
AERO5360 Aerospace Structures 2 6 Semester 1
AERO5560 Flight Mechanics 2 6 Semester 2

Note: Please note that units taken as Aeronautical Stream Core Extension units may only count towards this collection.

They are not permitted to double-count towards a specialisation.

AERO4260, AERO4360 and AERO4560 have been recoded in 2025. Students who have not yet completed their Aeronautical Stream Core Extension requirements should enrol in the 5000-level unit/s.

Block 6 - Aeronautical Stream Elective Units (Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO5200 Advanced Aerodynamics 6 Semester 1
AERO5206 Rotary Wing Aircraft 6 Semester 2
AERO5400 Advanced Aircraft Design Analysis 6 Semester 2
AERO5500 Flight Test and Evaluation 6
AERO5520 Aircraft Avionics and Systems [not running in 2020] 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
AERO5750 Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems 6 Semester 1
AMME4010 Major Industrial Project 24 Semester 1
Semester 2

Block 7 - Aeronautical Engineering Project Units (Max CP: 18)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO2711 Aerospace Engineering Project 1 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
Int July
AERO3711 Aerospace Engineering Project 2 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
Int July
AERO4711 Aerospace Engineering Project 3 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
Int July

Block 8 - AMMExxxx Specialist Elective Units (Max CP: 24)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME3060 Engineering Methods 6 Semester 2
AMME5060 Advanced Computational Engineering 6 Semester 2
AMME5202 Computational Fluid Dynamics 6 Semester 1
AMME5292 Applied Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence 6 Semester 1
AMME5510 Vibration and Acoustics 6 Semester 2
AMME5520 Advanced Control and Optimisation 6 Semester 1

Block 9 - Free Electives (Max CP: 24)

Note: Students may take 24 credit points of free electives to complete the total number of credit points for their degree. Students may take the following units of study as free electives, provided they satisfy any prerequisite, quota, departmental permission or any other requirements of the units, and the units are not essentially the same or prohibited units for any of the other units in their degree.

(1) Any units of study from the Faculty of Engineering available to undergraduate students

(2) Any unit of study from Table S

Students may use the free electives to complete a Breadth Specialisation.

Block 10 - Specialisation - Aerospace Systems Core Units (Min CP: 12,Max CP: 18)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO5200 Advanced Aerodynamics 6 Semester 1
AERO5206 Rotary Wing Aircraft 6 Semester 2
AERO5400 Advanced Aircraft Design Analysis 6 Semester 2
AERO5500 Flight Test and Evaluation 6
AERO5750 Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems 6 Semester 1

Block 11 - Specialisation - Aerospace Systems Elective Units (Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO5260 Aerodynamics 2 6 Semester 1
AERO5360 Aerospace Structures 2 6 Semester 1
AERO5560 Flight Mechanics 2 6 Semester 2

Note: AERO5260, AERO5360 or AERO5560 may be taken within the specialisation in addition to the units taken as Core Extension. They may not count toward both requirements.

AERO4260, AERO4360 and AERO4560 have been recoded in 2025.

Block 12 - Specialisation - Aerospace Research Units (Max CP: 18)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AERO2711 Aerospace Engineering Project 1 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
Int July
AERO3711 Aerospace Engineering Project 2 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
Int July
AERO4711 Aerospace Engineering Project 3 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
Int July
AERO5700 Space Engineering (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Block 13 - Specialisation - Computer Systems Core Units (Max CP: 18)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ELEC1601 Introduction to Computer Systems 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ELEC2602 Digital Logic 6 Semester 1
ELEC3607 Embedded Systems 6 Semester 1

Block 14 - Specialisation - Computer Systems Elective Units (Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ELEC3305 Digital Signal Processing 6 Semester 1
ELEC3608 Computer Architecture 6 Semester 2

Block 15 - Specialisation - Engineering Data Science Core Units (Max CP: 18)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
DATA2001 Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity 6 Semester 1
DATA2002 Data Analytics: Learning from Data 6 Semester 2
DATA2901 Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced) 6 Semester 1
DATA2902 Data Analytics: Learning from Data (Adv) 6 Semester 2
STAT2011 Probability and Estimation Theory 6 Semester 1
STAT2911 Probability and Statistical Models (Adv) 6 Semester 1

Block 16 - Specialisation - Engineering Data Science Elective Units (Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3608 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) 6 Semester 1
DATA3404 Scalable Data Management 6 Semester 1
DATA3406 Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics 6 Semester 2

Block 17 - Specialisation - Humanitarian Engineering Core Units (Max CP: 12)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
CIVL3310 Humanitarian Engineering 6 Semester 1
CIVL5320 Engineering for Sustainable Development 6 Semester 2

Block 18 - Specialisation - Humanitarian Engineering Elective Units (Max CP: 12)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ASNS2665 Understanding Southeast Asia 6 Semester 1
Int February
Int July
CIVL5330 Global Engineering Field Work 6 Int July
EDUF3026 Global Poverty and Education 6 Semester 2
ENGG3801 Industry and Community Project 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
FASS3500 Service Learning in Indigenous Communities 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
HSBH3009 International Health Project 6 Semester 2
PMGT3857 International Project Management 6 Semester 2

Block 19 - Specialisation - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Core Units (Max CP: 18)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
SIEN1000 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Foundation 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
SIEN1001 Innovators` Skills and Actions 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
SIEN2001 Validating Ideas and Building Ventures 6 Semester 2

Block 20 - Specialisation - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Elective Units (Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
CLAW2209 Intellectual Property for Business 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
DECO2015 Responsible Design for Innovation 6 Semester 2
DECO2016 Design Thinking 6 Semester 1
ENGG3216 Management of Technological Innovation 6 Semester 1
INFS2030 e-Business Management 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
MKTG3114 New Products Marketing 6 Semester 2
MKTG3120 Building and Managing Brands 6 Semester 1
PMGT3856 Sustainability and Knowledge Management 6 Semester 1
SIEN2210 Strategic Management 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
SIEN3001 Social Entrepreneurship 6 Semester 2
SIEN3204 Managing Organisational Sustainability 6 Semester 2
Course: Aeronautical Engineering (2024)
CP Required: 192
Min FT Duration: 4.00 Years
Min PT Duration: 4.00 Years
Faculty/School: Faculty of Engineering
Years Offered: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Requirements: Summary

In summary the requirements are:

Students must complete 192 credit points as follows:

► 6 credit points of Introductory Computing units

► 12 credit points of Foundation Mathematics units

► 30 credit points of from the Project table, including Thesis

► The Professional Engagement Program (PEP) Units comprising ENGP1001 (0cp), ENGP1002 (0cp), ENGP1003 (0cp), ENGP2001 (0cp), ENGP2002 (0cp), ENGP2003 (0cp), ENGP3001 (0cp) and ENGP3002 (0cp)

► 108 credit points of Aeronautical stream core units

► 12 credit points of Aeronautical Stream core extension

► 24 credit points of electives, which may include Aeronautical stream electives, AMME specialist electives, Aeronautical project units, or free electives (Engineering Electives, or a Table S elective)

The completion of a specialisation is not mandatory. If a student chooses to do a specialisation, it must be completed within the 192 credit points described above.

Dalyell Scholars Program

Students in the Dalyell Scholars program can review the Dalyell Canvas page for information on fitting the program into their degree:

Advanced units in Maths and Science

Most units of study offered by the Science Faculty on the list of core requirements can be replaced by an equivalent advanced level unit; subject to prerequisite conditions (as required by the Faculty of Science) being met. Students considering doing advanced options should seek advice from their department before enrolling.

Faculty Resolutions

Details of relevant Faculty resolutions are available via the university handbook site at:
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