Faculty of Engineering

Biomedical Engineering (2018)

Note: This course version applies only to students first enrolling in 2018.
WARNING: This course version is currently under review and is subject to change.

1. Overview

Course: Biomedical Engineering (2018)
CP Required: 192
Min FT Duration: 4.00 Years
Min PT Duration: 4.00 Years
Faculty/School: Faculty of Engineering
Years Offered: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

2. Requirements


In summary the requirements are:

Students must complete 192 credit points as follows:

► 36 credit points of Engineering core units

► The Professional Engagement Program comprising ENGP1000 (0cp), ENGP2000 (0cp) and ENGP3000 (0cp)

► 72 credit points of Biomedical stream core units

► 6 credit points of 1st Year Computing core units

► 6 credit points of 1st Year Mechanics core units

► 6 credit points of 2nd Year Systems core units

► 6 credit points of 4th Year Control core units

► A minimum of 12 credit points of Biomedical Specialist electives

► A minimum of 24 credit points of Biomedical Stream electives

► A maximum of 12 credit points of General (Free) Electives

The completion of a major is not necessary. If a student chooses to do a major, aligned majors can be completed within the 192 credit points described above.

Handbook Rules

The handbook rules governing this degree are as follows:

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree, a candidate must:

(a) successfully complete 192 credit points comprising:

(i) A minimum of 36 credit points from the Engineering Core Table, including all required units;

(ii) A minimum of 108 credit points from the Engineering Stream Table pertaining to the specialist stream being undertaken, including all required units;

(iii) A minimum of 48 credit points of additional units from the Engineering Stream Specialist Table pertaining to the specialist stream being undertaken, including satisfying any additional requirements specified for the Specialist Table.

(b) Successfully complete the requirements of the Professional Engagement Program

(2) The class of Honours will be determined by the EIHWAM.

(3) In exceptional circumstances, the Dean may vary the conditions for the award of Honours after seeking the advice of the relevant Head of School.

Advanced units in Maths and Science

Most units of study offered by the Science Faculty on the list of core requirements can be replaced by an equivalent advanced level unit; subject to prerequisite conditions (as required by the Faculty of Science) being met. Students considering doing advanced options should seek advice from their department before enrolling.

Study Abroad

Students undertaking Study Abroad in a particular year of their degree must enrol in the appropriate International Exchange Program units of study as an alternative to a semester's standard units.

Permission from the relevant Head of School must be sought prior to enrolling in exchange units of study.


A major requires:

(a) the completion of 24 credit points chosen from units of study listed in the table for that major;

(b) satisfying any additional requirements specified for the major, and listed with the table of units for the major;

(c) the completion of a thesis project that has been approved by the Head of School (or delegate) as relevant to the topic of the major.

Dalyell Scholars Program

Unit substitutions may be available for students enrolled in the Dalyell Scholars Program, depending on their year of commencement and degree. Dalyell Scholars can view the Canvas page for further information specific to their circumstances: https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/7156/pages/enrolment-options-for-dalyell-scholars

Faculty Resolutions

Details of relevant Faculty resolutions are available via the university handbook site at: http://sydney.edu.au/handbooks/

3. Semesters

Year 1 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
3 Select from MATH1021: Calculus of One Variable
6 Select from Unit Block:
Core 1st Year Computing Units

Note: Select from either ENGG1801 or INFO1110
3 Select from MATH1002: Linear Algebra
6 Select from ENGG1111: Integrated Engineering 1
6 Select from AMME1960: Biomedical Engineering 1A

Note: AMME1960 is discontinued from 2019. Replacement unit is BMET1960.
0 Select from ENGP1000: Professional Engagement Program 1

Note: All students must enrol in ENGP1000 in their first semester of enrolment.

New ENGP units will be in place from 2021. You can find more information at https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/2806/pages/professional-engagement-program-pep-2021-changes

Note: MATH1021 and MATH1002 may be replaced by advanced units MATH1921 and MATH1902.

Year 1 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Core 1st Year Mechanics Units

Note: Select from ENGG1802 or PHYS1001 (for Electrical Major) in Semester 1. If Physics 1 is taken in Semester 1 then 1st Year computing INFO1110 should be taken in Semester 2. ENGG1802 is also available in Summer School.
3 Select from MATH1023: Multivariable Calculus and Modelling
3 Select from MATH1005: Statistical Thinking with Data
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives
6 Select from AMME1961: Biomedical Engineering 1B

Note: AMME1961 is discontinued from 2019. Replacement unit is BMET1961.

Note: MATH1023 and MATH1005 may be replaced by advanced units MATH1923 and MATH1905.

Year 2 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from ELEC1103: Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives

Note: Students who have not selected a major and wish to take units other than from Biomedical Stream Electives are recommended to take units from Biomedical Specialist Electives.
6 Select from CHEM1111: Chemistry 1A
6 Select from BMET2960: Biomedical Engineering 2

Note: Students taking AMME2261 in semester 1 as an elective will be prohibited from AMME2200 systems unit in semester 2 as they are mutually exclusive.

Year 2 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Core 2nd Year Systems Units

Note: Select CHNG2803 Energy and Fluid Systems Practice in Semester 1 (compulsory for Chemical Major; select CHNG2804 here), or from AMME2200 (preferred for Mechanical Major) or ELEC2302 Signals and Systems (compulsory for Electrical, and IT Majors) or MECH2400 Mechanical Design 1 in Semester 2 (compulsory for Mechatronic Major, recommended if no Major selected).
2 Select from ENGG2111: Integrated Engineering 2
6 Select from AMME1362: Introduction to Engineering Materials
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives

Note: Students who have not selected a major and wish to take units other than from Biomedical Stream Electives are recommended to take units from Biomedical Specialist Electives.
6 Select from BMET2901: Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers
0 Select from ENGP2000: Professional Engagement Program 2

Note: New ENGP units will be in place from 2021. You can find more information at https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/2806/pages/professional-engagement-program-pep-2021-changes

Year 3 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives
or other units.

Note: Students who have not selected a major and wish to take units other than from Biomedical Stream Electives are recommended to take units from Biomedical Specialist Electives.
2 Select from ENGG3111: Integrated Engineering 3
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives

Note: Students who have not selected a major and wish to take units other than from Biomedical Stream Electives are recommended to take units from Biomedical Specialist Electives.
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives

Note: Students who have not selected a major and wish to take units other than from Biomedical Stream Electives are recommended to take units from Biomedical Specialist Electives.
6 Select from BMET3660: Biomanufacturing

Year 3 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives
or other units.

Note: Students who have not selected a major and wish to take units other than from Biomedical Stream Electives are recommended to take units from Biomedical Specialist Electives.
6 Select from ELEC2104: Electronic Devices and Circuits
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Stream Electives

Note: A total of 48 CP should be chosen from the Biomedical Stream Table. A maximum of 12cp can be taken as General Engineering Electives.

Students who have not selected a major and wish to take units other than from Biomedical Stream Electives are recommended to take units from Biomedical Specialist Electives.
6 Select from BMET3921: Biomedical Design and Technology

Year 4 - Semester 1

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Specialist Electives

Note: A minimum of 12 cp must be taken from Biomedical Specialist Elective Table.
2 Select from ENGG4111: Integrated Engineering 4
6 Select from BMET4111: Thesis A
6 Select from Unit Block:
Core 4th Year Control Units

Note: 6 cp of 4th year core control unit must be completed. The unit can be done in either semester.

Note from 2021 BMET5790 replaces AMME5790, and BMET3802 replaces ELEC3802
6 Select from BMET4971: Tissue Engineering

Note: Replaced by BMET3971 from 2021
0 Select from ENGP3000: Professional Engagement Program 3

Note: New ENGP units will be in place from 2021. You can find more information at https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/2806/pages/professional-engagement-program-pep-2021-changes

Year 4 - Semester 2

Type CP CP From
6 Select from Unit Block:
Biomedical Specialist Electives

Note: A minimum of 12 cp must be taken from the Biomedical Specialist Elective Table.
6 Select from BMET4112: Thesis B
6 Select from BMET4961: Biomechanics and Biomaterials

Note: Replaced by BMET3961 from 2021

4. Pathways

48cp Majors

Type CP CP From

Note: From 2019 onwards, all engineering majors will be converted to the 48 credit point format, and several new majors will be introduced - details can be viewed in the 2019 degree structures.

You can find more information at https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/2806/pages/feit-your-studies-bachelor-of-engineering-majors

Major in Chemical Engineering (24cp)

Type CP CP From
6 CHNG1103: Conservation of Mass and Energy
6 ENGG1801: Engineering Computing
6 ENGG1802: Engineering Mechanics
6 CHNG2801: Fluid Mechanics
6 CHNG2803: Heat and Mass Transfer

Note: To be selected from Core 2nd Year Systems Units
6 CHNG2804: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Note: To be taken in Year 2 Semester 2 in the Core 2nd Year Systems Units slot- which moves to Year 2 Semester 1 with selection of compulsory CHNG2803.
24 Select from CHNG3801: Process Plant Design
CHNG3802: Process Dynamics and Control
CHNG3803: Reaction Engineering
CHNG3804: Biochemical Engineering

Note: The major requires a minimum of 24 cp from CHNG3xxx units. Note that a number of pre-requisite CHNG units at level-1000 and level 2000 will need to be completed beforehand. These units are then selected in place of Biomedical Stream Electives.

Major in Electrical Engineering (24cp)

Type CP CP From
6 INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
6 PHYS1001: Physics 1 (Regular)
24 Select from ELEC2103: Simulation and Numerical Solutions in Engineering
ELEC2302: Signals and Systems
ELEC2602: Digital Logic
ELEC3104: Engineering Electromagnetics
ELEC3105: Circuit Theory and Design
ELEC3203: Electricity Networks
ELEC3204: Power Electronics and Applications
ELEC3206: Electrical Energy Conversion Systems
ELEC3304: Control
ELEC3305: Digital Signal Processing
ELEC3404: Electronic Circuit Design
ELEC3405: Communications Electronics and Photonics
ELEC3505: Communications
ELEC3506: Communications Networks
ELEC3607: Embedded Systems
ELEC3608: Computer Architecture
ELEC3609: Internet Software Platforms
ELEC3610: E-Business Analysis and Design
ELEC3702: Management for Engineers
ELEC3802: Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering
ELEC3803: Bioelectronics [not offered in 2021]

Note: A minimum of four units (24 cp) must be completed with at least 18 cp from ELEC level 3000 units or higher. Note that the following ELEC2xxx units may be necessary as prerequisites for later ELEC3xxx units: ELEC2104, ELEC2302, ELEC2602. These units are then selected in place of Biomedical Stream Electives.

Major in Humanitarian Engineering (24cp)

Type CP CP From
6 CIVL3310: Humanitarian Engineering
6 CIVL5320: Engineering for Sustainable Development
6 Select from ASNS2665: Understanding Southeast Asia
EDUF3026: Global Poverty and Education
HSBH3009: International Health Project
ITLS6007: Disaster Relief Operations [not offered in 2021]
PMGT3857: International Project Management

Note: To be taken from the Free Electives unit block
6 Select from CIVL5330: Global Engineering Field Work

Note: Students may take SLIC3000 or SLIC4000 instead of CIVL5330 as part of the Humanitarian Engineering major

Major in Information Technology (24cp)

Type CP CP From
24 Select from COMP2017: Systems Programming
COMP2022: Models of Computation
COMP2123: Data Structures & Algorithms
COMP2823: Data Structures & Algorithms (Adv)
COMP2922: Models of Computation (Adv)
COMP3027: Algorithm Design
COMP3221: Distributed Systems
COMP3308: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
COMP3419: Graphics and Multimedia
COMP3520: Operating Systems Internals
COMP3608: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
COMP3888: Computer Science Project
DATA2001: Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity
DATA2002: Data Analytics: Learning from Data
DATA3404: Scalable Data Management
DATA3406: Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics
INFO2150: Introduction to Health Data Science
INFO2911: IT Special Project 2A
INFO2912: IT Special Project 2B
INFO3315: Human-Computer Interaction
INFO3616: Principles of Security and Security Engineering
INFO3911: IT Special Project 3A
INFO3912: IT Special Project 3B
ISYS2110: Analysis & Design of Web Information Systems
ISYS2120: Data & Information Management
ISYS2160: Information Systems in the Internet Age
ISYS3401: Information Technology Evaluation
ISYS3402: Decision Analytics & Support Systems [not running in 2019]
ISYS3888: Information Systems Project
SOFT2201: Software Construction and Design 1
SOFT2412: Agile Software Development Practices
SOFT3202: Software Construction and Design 2
SOFT3410: Concurrency for Software Development
SOFT3888: Software Development Project

Note: A minimum of four units (24 cp) must be completed with at least 18 cp from COMP or INFO units at level 3000 units or higher. Note that INFO1xxx, COMP2xxx and INFO3xxx units may be necessary as prerequistes for subsequent level 3000 units. These units are then selected in place of Biomedical Stream Electives.

Major in Mechanical Engineering (24cp)

Type CP CP From
6 ENGG1801: Engineering Computing
6 ENGG1802: Engineering Mechanics
6 AMME2301: Mechanics of Solids
6 AMME2500: Engineering Dynamics
24 Select from AMME2200: Introductory Thermofluids
AMME3500: System Dynamics and Control
MECH3260: Thermal Engineering and Environment
MECH3261: Fluid Mechanics 2
MECH3361: Mechanics of Solids 2
MECH3362: Engineering Materials for Adv Manufacturing

Note: A minimum of four units (24 cp) must be completed with at least 18cp at level 3000 or higher (i.e. three from AMME3500, MECH3260, MECH3261, MECH3361 or MECH3362 must be completed). Students also need to complete AMME2301, AMME2500,MECH2400 to meet the prerequisite conditions of the level 3000 units. It is recommended that students complete either AMME2261, AMME2262 or AMME2200 as well. These units are taken in place of Biomedical Stream Electives.

Major in Mechatronic Engineering (24cp)

Type CP CP From
6 ENGG1801: Engineering Computing
6 ENGG1802: Engineering Mechanics
6 MTRX1702: Mechatronics 1
6 MTRX1705: Introduction to Mechatronic Design
6 AMME2500: Engineering Dynamics
6 MTRX2700: Mechatronics 2
18 Select from AMME3500: System Dynamics and Control
ELEC3204: Power Electronics and Applications
MTRX3700: Mechatronics 3
MTRX3760: Mechatronic Systems Design

Note: To be eligible for this major, students must complete 24cp ( 4 units) as listed in the Major Table of which at least 18cp must be level 3000 or higher. Pre-requisite 1000 or 2000 level units will need to be completed to allow enrolment in the higher level units. These units are then selected in place of Biomedical Stream Electives.

5. Unit Blocks

Block 1 - Engineering Core (Min CP: 36,Max CP: 36)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME4010 Major Industrial Project 24 Semester 1
Semester 2
AMME4111 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
AMME4112 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
BMET4010 Major Industrial Project 24 Semester 1
Semester 2
BMET4111 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
BMET4112 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CHNG4203 Major Industrial Project 24 Semester 1
Semester 2
CHNG4811 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CHNG4812 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CIVL4022 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
CIVL4023 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ELEC4712 Thesis A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ELEC4713 Thesis B 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
ELEC4714 Major Industrial Project 24 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGG1111 Integrated Engineering 1 6 Semester 1
ENGG2111 Integrated Engineering 2 2 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int February
ENGG3111 Integrated Engineering 3 2 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGG4000 Practical Experience 0 Int January
Int February
Int March
Int April
Int May
Int June
Int July
Int August
Int September
Int October
Int November
Int December
ENGG4111 Integrated Engineering 4 2 Semester 1
ENGP1000 Professional Engagement Program 1 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP2000 Professional Engagement Program 2 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
ENGP3000 Professional Engagement Program 3 0 Semester 1
Semester 2
MATH1002 Linear Algebra 3 Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Main
MATH1005 Statistical Thinking with Data 3 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int January
MATH1021 Calculus of One Variable 3 Semester 1
Semester 2
MATH1023 Multivariable Calculus and Modelling 3 Semester 1
Semester 2
MATH1902 Linear Algebra (Advanced) 3 Semester 1
MATH1905 Statistics (Advanced) 3 Semester 2
MATH1921 Calculus of One Variable (Adv) 3 Semester 1
MATH1923 Multivariable Calculus and Modelling (Adv) 3 Semester 2

Note: Complete a minimum of 36cp including:

- ENGP1000 (0cp), ENGP2000 (0cp) and ENGP3000 (0cp)

- Exactly 12cp of Integrated Engineering units comprising ENGG1111 (6cp), ENGG2111 (2cp), ENGG3111 (2cp) and ENGG4111 (2cp)

- Exactly 12cp of MATH1xxx units: MATH1021 Calculus of One Variable (3cp) AND MATH1002 Linear Algebra (3cp) AND MATH1023 Multivariable Calculus and Modelling (3cp) AND MATH1005 Statistics (3cp)

- A minimum of 12cp of (see note 1) from either AMME4111-4112 Thesis A & B (6cp+6cp) OR BMET4111-4112 Thesis A & B (6cp+6cp) OR CHNG4811-CHNG4812 Thesis A & B (6cp+6cp) OR CIVL4022-4023 Thesis A & B (6cp+6cp) OR ELEC4712-4713 Thesis A & B (6cp+6cp) OR AMME4010 Major Industrial Project (24cp) OR BMET4010 Major Industrial Project (24cp) OR CHNG4203 Major Industrial Project (24cp) OR ELEC4714 Major Industrial Project (24cp)

Note 1. All Thesis A units are mutually prohibited (meaning that only one can be completed), and all Thesis B units have the associated Thesis A unit as a pre-requisite. Students may undertake only the Thesis units relevant to their stream or major.

Block 2 - Biomedical Stream Core (Min CP: 72,Max CP: 72)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME1362 Introduction to Engineering Materials 6 Semester 2
AMME1960 Biomedical Engineering 1A 6 Semester 1
AMME1961 Biomedical Engineering 1B 6 Semester 2
BMET2901 Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers 6 Semester 2
BMET2960 Biomedical Engineering 2 6 Semester 1
BMET3660 Biomanufacturing 6 Semester 1
BMET3921 Biomedical Design and Technology 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
BMET3961 Biomaterials 6 Semester 2
BMET3971 Tissue Engineering 6 Semester 1
BMET4961 Biomechanics and Biomaterials 6 Semester 2
BMET4971 Tissue Engineering 6 Semester 1
CHEM1111 Chemistry 1A 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
Int January
CHEM1911 Chemistry 1A (Adv) 6 Semester 1
ELEC1103 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6 Semester 1
ELEC2104 Electronic Devices and Circuits 6 Semester 2

Note: AMME1960 and AMME1961 are discontinued from 2019. Replacement units are BMET1960 and BMET1961.

From 2021 BMET3971 replaces BMET4971, and BMET3961 replaces BMET4961.

Block 3 - Core 1st Year Computing Units (Min CP: 6,Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ENGG1801 Engineering Computing 6 Semester 1
Int January
INFO1110 Introduction to Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2

Block 4 - Core 1st Year Mechanics Units (Min CP: 6,Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
ENGG1802 Engineering Mechanics 6 Semester 2
Summer Main
Int January
PHYS1001 Physics 1 (Regular) 6 Semester 1

Block 5 - Core 2nd Year Systems Units (Min CP: 6,Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME2200 Introductory Thermofluids 6 Semester 2
CHNG2803 Heat and Mass Transfer 6 Semester 1
ELEC2302 Signals and Systems 6 Semester 2
MECH2400 Mechanical Systems Design 1 6 Semester 1

Note: Choice should be based on desired major area of study:

Chemical Major- CHNG2803

Electrical & IT Majors- ELEC2302

Mechanical Major- AMME2200

Mechatronics Major, or no Major- MECH2400

Students must complete 6 cp from this block.

Block 6 - Core 4th Year Control Units (Min CP: 6,Max CP: 6)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME5790 Introduction to Biomechatronics 6 Semester 2
BMET3802 Biomedical Instrumentation 6 Semester 2
BMET5790 Introduction to Biomechatronics 6 Semester 2
BMET5951 Fundamentals of Neuromodulation [not running in 2020] 6 Semester 1
BMET5995 Advanced Bionics 6 Semester 1
ELEC3802 Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering 6 Semester 1

Note: Students must complete 6 cp from this block

Note from 2021 BMET5790 replaces AMME5790, and BMET3802 replaces ELEC3802

Block 7 - Biomedical Specialist Electives (Min CP: 12,Max CP: 60)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME2262 Introduction to Thermal Engineering 6 Semester 2
AMME4710 Computer Vision and Image Processing 6 Semester 2
BMET2903 Biomedical Physics 6 Semester 1
BMET2922 Computational Analysis for Biomedical Signals 6 Semester 2
BMET2925 AI, Data, and Society in Health 6 Semester 1
Semester 1 Online
BMET3990 Biomedical Product Development 6 Semester 2
BMET4981 Applied Biomedical Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET4990 Biomedical Product Development 6 Semester 1
BMET5907 Orthopaedic and Surgical Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET5911 Advanced instrumentation for Nanotechnology 6 Semester 1
BMET5931 Nanomaterials in Medicine 6 Semester 1
BMET5933 Biomedical Image Analysis 6 Semester 1
BMET5934 Biomedical Machine Learning 6 Semester 2
BMET5944 Nanofabrication and Bioinspired Materials 6 Semester 2
BMET5951 Fundamentals of Neuromodulation [not running in 2020] 6 Semester 1
BMET5953 Rehabilitation Engineering 6 Semester 1
BMET5957 Neural Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET5958 Nanoscale Biomedical Diagnostics 6 Semester 1
BMET5962 Introduction to Mechanobiology 6 Semester 2
BMET5963 Microfluidics in Healthcare 6 Semester 2
BMET5964 Advanced Cellular Biomechanics 6 Semester 2
BMET5992 Regulatory Affairs in the Medical Industry 6 Semester 2
BMET5995 Advanced Bionics 6 Semester 1
CHNG5601 Membrane Science 6 Semester 1
CHNG5602 Biophysics and Biosensors 6 Semester 2
CHNG5603 Advanced Industrial Modelling and Analysis 6 Semester 1
CHNG5604 Advanced Membrane Engineering 6 Semester 2
CHNG5605 Bio-Products: Laboratory to Marketplace 6 Semester 2
COMP5048 Visual Analytics 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP5424 Information Technology in Biomedicine 6 Semester 1
COMP5456 Introduction to Bioinformatics [not running] 6 Semester 2
ELEC3305 Digital Signal Processing 6 Semester 1
ELEC5514 IoT Wireless Sensing and Networking 6 Semester 2
ELEC5614 Real Time Computing 6 Semester 1
ELEC5701 Technology Venture Creation [not offered in 2021] 6 Semester 2
ELEC5803 Advanced Bioelectronics [Not Offered 2019] 6 Semester 1
HTIN5002 Quality Frameworks for Health Innovation 6 Semester 2 Block Mode
MECH5720 Sensors and Signals 6 Semester 2
MTRX5700 Experimental Robotics 6 Semester 1

Note: A minimum of 12 cp must be completed

From 2021 BMET3990 replaces bmet4990.

Block 8 - Biomedical Stream Electives (Max CP: 48)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME2200 Introductory Thermofluids 6 Semester 2
AMME2261 Fluid Mechanics 1 6 Semester 1
AMME2262 Introduction to Thermal Engineering 6 Semester 2
AMME2301 Mechanics of Solids 6 Semester 2
AMME2500 Engineering Dynamics 6 Semester 1
AMME3500 System Dynamics and Control 6 Semester 1
AMME4710 Computer Vision and Image Processing 6 Semester 2
AMME5790 Introduction to Biomechatronics 6 Semester 2
BMET2903 Biomedical Physics 6 Semester 1
BMET2922 Computational Analysis for Biomedical Signals 6 Semester 2
BMET2925 AI, Data, and Society in Health 6 Semester 1
Semester 1 Online
BMET3802 Biomedical Instrumentation 6 Semester 2
BMET3990 Biomedical Product Development 6 Semester 2
BMET4981 Applied Biomedical Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET4990 Biomedical Product Development 6 Semester 1
BMET5790 Introduction to Biomechatronics 6 Semester 2
BMET5907 Orthopaedic and Surgical Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET5911 Advanced instrumentation for Nanotechnology 6 Semester 1
BMET5931 Nanomaterials in Medicine 6 Semester 1
BMET5933 Biomedical Image Analysis 6 Semester 1
BMET5934 Biomedical Machine Learning 6 Semester 2
BMET5944 Nanofabrication and Bioinspired Materials 6 Semester 2
BMET5951 Fundamentals of Neuromodulation [not running in 2020] 6 Semester 1
BMET5953 Rehabilitation Engineering 6 Semester 1
BMET5957 Neural Engineering 6 Semester 2
BMET5958 Nanoscale Biomedical Diagnostics 6 Semester 1
BMET5962 Introduction to Mechanobiology 6 Semester 2
BMET5963 Microfluidics in Healthcare 6 Semester 2
BMET5964 Advanced Cellular Biomechanics 6 Semester 2
BMET5992 Regulatory Affairs in the Medical Industry 6 Semester 2
BMET5995 Advanced Bionics 6 Semester 1
CHNG1103 Conservation of Mass and Energy 6 Semester 2
CHNG2801 Fluid Mechanics 6 Semester 1
CHNG2803 Heat and Mass Transfer 6 Semester 1
CHNG2804 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 6 Semester 2
CHNG2805 Engineering for a Sustainable Society 6 Semester 2
CHNG2806 Separation Processes 6 Semester 2
CHNG3801 Process Plant Design 6 Semester 2
CHNG3802 Process Dynamics and Control 6 Semester 1
CHNG3803 Reaction Engineering 6 Semester 1
CHNG3804 Biochemical Engineering 6 Semester 2
CHNG3805 Particle Processing 6 Semester 1
CHNG3806 Risk Management for Chemical Engineering 6 Semester 2
CHNG3807 Products and Value Chains [not running in 2020] 6 Semester 2
CHNG3808 Engineering Macromolecules & Nanocomposites 6 Semester 1
CHNG3809 Laboratory and Industrial Practice 6 Semester 1
CHNG4802 Chemical Engineering Design A 6 Semester 1
CHNG4806 Chemical Engineering Design B 6 Semester 2
CHNG5601 Membrane Science 6 Semester 1
CHNG5602 Biophysics and Biosensors 6 Semester 2
CHNG5603 Advanced Industrial Modelling and Analysis 6 Semester 1
CHNG5604 Advanced Membrane Engineering 6 Semester 2
CHNG5605 Bio-Products: Laboratory to Marketplace 6 Semester 2
CIVL3310 Humanitarian Engineering 6 Semester 1
CIVL5320 Engineering for Sustainable Development 6 Semester 2
CIVL5330 Global Engineering Field Work 6 Int July
COMP2017 Systems Programming 6 Semester 1
COMP2022 Models of Computation 6 Semester 2
COMP2123 Data Structures & Algorithms 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP2823 Data Structures & Algorithms (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP2922 Models of Computation (Adv) 6 Semester 2
COMP3027 Algorithm Design 6 Semester 1
COMP3221 Distributed Systems 6 Semester 1
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 Semester 1
COMP3419 Graphics and Multimedia 6 Semester 2
COMP3520 Operating Systems Internals 6 Semester 2
COMP3608 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP3888 Computer Science Project 6 Semester 2
COMP3927 Algorithm Design (Adv) 6 Semester 1
COMP5048 Visual Analytics 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
COMP5424 Information Technology in Biomedicine 6 Semester 1
COMP5456 Introduction to Bioinformatics [not running] 6 Semester 2
DATA2001 Data Science: Big Data and Data Diversity 6 Semester 1
DATA2002 Data Analytics: Learning from Data 6 Semester 2
DATA3001 Data Science Capstone Project [not offered in 2020] 6 Semester 1
DATA3404 Scalable Data Management 6 Semester 1
DATA3406 Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics 6 Semester 2
ELEC2103 Simulation and Numerical Solutions in Engineering 6 Semester 2
ELEC2302 Signals and Systems 6 Semester 2
ELEC2602 Digital Logic 6 Semester 1
ELEC3104 Engineering Electromagnetics 6 Semester 1
ELEC3203 Electricity Networks 6 Semester 1
ELEC3204 Power Electronics and Applications 6 Semester 1
ELEC3206 Electrical Energy Conversion Systems 6 Semester 2
ELEC3304 Control 6 Semester 2
ELEC3305 Digital Signal Processing 6 Semester 1
ELEC3404 Electronic Circuit Design 6 Semester 1
ELEC3405 Communications Electronics and Photonics 6 Semester 2
ELEC3505 Communications 6 Semester 1
ELEC3506 Communications Networks 6 Semester 2
ELEC3607 Embedded Systems 6 Semester 1
ELEC3608 Computer Architecture 6 Semester 2
ELEC3609 Internet Software Platforms 6 Semester 2
ELEC3610 E-Business Analysis and Design 6 Semester 1
ELEC3702 Management for Engineers 6 Semester 2
ELEC3802 Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering 6 Semester 1
ELEC3803 Bioelectronics [not offered in 2021] 6 Semester 2
ELEC3901 Electrical Exchange Unit 1A 6 Semester 1
Int January
Int July
ELEC3902 Electrical Exchange Unit 1B 12 Semester 1
ELEC3903 Electrical Exchange Unit 1C 24 Semester 1
ELEC3904 Electrical Exchange Unit 2A 6 Semester 2
Int January
Int July
ELEC3905 Electrical Exchange Unit 2B 12 Semester 2
ELEC3906 Electrical Exchange Unit 2C 24 Semester 2
ELEC5514 IoT Wireless Sensing and Networking 6 Semester 2
ELEC5614 Real Time Computing 6 Semester 1
ELEC5701 Technology Venture Creation [not offered in 2021] 6 Semester 2
ELEC5803 Advanced Bioelectronics [Not Offered 2019] 6 Semester 1
HTIN5002 Quality Frameworks for Health Innovation 6 Semester 2 Block Mode
INFO1113 Object-Oriented Programming 6 Semester 1
Semester 2
INFO2150 Introduction to Health Data Science 6 Semester 2
INFO2911 IT Special Project 2A 6 Semester 1
INFO2912 IT Special Project 2B 6 Semester 2
INFO3315 Human-Computer Interaction 6 Semester 2
INFO3616 Principles of Security and Security Engineering 6 Semester 2
INFO3911 IT Special Project 3A 6 Semester 1
INFO3912 IT Special Project 3B 6 Semester 2
ISYS2110 Analysis & Design of Web Information Systems 6 Semester 1
ISYS2120 Data & Information Management 6 Semester 2
ISYS2160 Information Systems in the Internet Age 6 Semester 2
ISYS3401 Information Technology Evaluation 6 Semester 1
ISYS3402 Decision Analytics & Support Systems [not running in 2019] 6 Semester 2
ISYS3888 Information Systems Project 6 Semester 2
MECH2400 Mechanical Systems Design 1 6 Semester 1
MECH3260 Thermal Engineering and Environment 6 Semester 2
MECH3261 Fluid Mechanics 2 6 Semester 1
MECH3361 Mechanics of Solids 2 6 Semester 2
MECH3362 Engineering Materials for Adv Manufacturing 6 Semester 1
MECH5701 Computers in Real Time Control and Instrumentation 6 Semester 1
MECH5720 Sensors and Signals 6 Semester 2
MTRX1702 Mechatronics 1 6 Semester 2
MTRX1705 Introduction to Mechatronic Design 6 Semester 2
MTRX2700 Mechatronics 2 6 Semester 1
MTRX3700 Mechatronics 3 6 Semester 2
MTRX3760 Mechatronic Systems Design 6 Semester 2
MTRX5700 Experimental Robotics 6 Semester 1
SOFT2201 Software Construction and Design 1 6 Semester 2
SOFT2412 Agile Software Development Practices 6 Semester 2
SOFT3202 Software Construction and Design 2 6 Semester 1
SOFT3410 Concurrency for Software Development 6 Semester 2
SOFT3888 Software Development Project 6 Semester 2

Note: A total of 48 CP should be chosen from the Biomedical Stream Electives. A maximum of 12cp can be taken as General Engineering Electives.

Additional units also include all level-2000 and level-3000 and level 4000 and level 5000 AMME, MECH, CHNG, COMP, ELEC and INFO units.

From 2021 BMET3990 replaces BMET4990, BMET5790 replaces AMME5790, BMET3802 replaces ELEC3802

Block 9 - Bachelor of Engineering General Elective Table (Max CP: 12)

Unit Code Unit Name CP Sessions Offered
AMME2000 Engineering Analysis 6 Semester 1
ASNS2665 Understanding Southeast Asia 6 Semester 1
Int February
Int July
EDUF3026 Global Poverty and Education 6 Semester 2
ENGG1000 History and Philosophy of Engineering 6 Semester 1
HSBH3009 International Health Project 6 Semester 2
ITLS6007 Disaster Relief Operations [not offered in 2021] 6 Int July
PMGT3857 International Project Management 6 Semester 2

Note: Students may take 12 credit points of free general electives to complete the total number of credit points for their degree. Students may take the following units of study as free general electives, provided they satisfy any prerequisite, quota, departmental permission or any other requirements of the units, and the units are not essentially the same or prohibited units for any of the other units in their degree.

(1) Any units of study from the Faculties of: (i) Engineering and Information Technologies (ii) Science (iii) Arts (iv) Sydney Business School

(2) Any other units of study approved by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies Courses Committee, which will be published in an appropriate place by the Faculty.

(3) Any units of study approved by the Dean (or his/her delegate in these matters), or by the relevant Head of School or Program Director, on a case by case basis upon application by the student.